*The target readers are those who will make a speech or presentation in Japanese.
Needless to say, “Introduction-Body-Conclusion” is one of the most well known methods for making essays and scripts in the world. One of its strengths is that you are able to logically express what you want to convey to your audience. However, this method is not actually that well known among Japanese people in comparison to other countries. In this article, you will learn how you can utilize the Introduction-Body-Conclusion structure for your Japanese script.
Introduction-Body-Conclusion for Your Japanese Script
Introduction Part
In this part, you are going to, quite literally, set up an introduction. Simply speaking, if you mention the following three points, you will cover the basics; what your topic is, why your audience is listening to you, and what you want your audience to do or feel throughout your script. In practice, it is better to get the audience’s attention by using interesting facts or information, or by asking a question.
I am going to talk about my dream today.
My dream is to revive my hometown.
The population of my hometown is just 20,000. However, the number of the elderly is over 10,000.
And, it is said that this aging population will continue to grow.
I will be happy if my speech today could increase the number of people who support us.
Body Part
In this part, you are going to prove how your aim, argument and conclusion are reasonable by showing the evidence, the statistics, the analysis, etc. You should explain that objectively, not subjectively, because in the introduction and the conclusion you will share your own ideas and opinions. Also, you should order the information from the most general to the most specific.
The current population of Japan is 120 million and it appears that it will continue to decrease to 100 million.
However, there is a city whose population is increasing. That’s Tokyo.
Japan will be divided into one rich city and other poor towns.
Younger people are moving to Tokyo.
Yet, the elderly cannot move as easily around a big city as younger people do.
Although it may cost them, the government has to help maintain the poor towns or support the elderly in moving somewhere else.
If those towns were revived, all problems would be solved.
Conclusion Part
In this part, you are going to wrap up what you have been discussing and make your conclusion. That is to say, you are going to mention your topic, the background, and the reason why it is important again, which should be worded a little bit differently than earlier on in your speech, and then call for action or make your commitment for the future.
Again, my dream is to revive my hometown.
This is not only a problem for us.
If my hometown is revived, it must also really inspire other towns
Thus, please give us a helping hand
Even if you just go sightseeing in my hometown, it will make significant changes.
Thank you.
Pros and Cons
The Introduction-Body-Conclusion structure is appropriate for explaining something and persuading someone to do something because of its logical structure. Thus, it is almost always used in academic and business situations. On the other hand, it is not appropriate for really making people think or playing to their feelings. If a person tries to use this approach for those purposes, it will not be as effective.
In regards to using this method for making a Japanese script for your speech, it is recommended that you use it only when your proposition has certain social values or factors to arouse sympathy. If not, you may look selfish because the Introduction-Body-Conclusion structure will work only for proving why you are right. On the other hand, people like to use it because its familiar to them. In that case, please try to put some humor into your Japanese script. That way, your audience will be engaged with a smile.