Last time Shiho explained the very basics of verb conjugations in Japanese, including the three verb groups (u-verbs, ru-verbs, and irregular verbs) and how to conjugate each group from its “辞書形 (dictionary form)” to the masu- and nai-form. In this lesson Shiho reviews some of the grammar from Part Ⅰ and explains further about exceptions from previously established rules.
Table of Contents [Revision] [Two expressions using “ナイ形”] [Exceptions] |
In order make the following explanations easier to understand, let’s first of all review some of what we learned last time. Let’s start off with a little quiz - can you guess which group every verb belongs to and how to conjugate it into the dictionary, masu- and nai-form? See the solutions at the bottom.Q1. 私はりんごを食べたい。I want to eat an apple.
Q2. 明日、服を買いに行こう。
Let’s go clothes shopping tomorrow. Q3. 週末は、映画を観ようと思います。
I’m thinking of going to see a movie on the weekend. Q4. 今日の午後、家に遊びに来てください。
Please come over to my house this afternoon. Q5. 掃除してから遊びに行きなさい。
You can go play once you’re done cleaning.
Q1. Group ②: ru-verb
Q2. Group ①: u-verb
Q3. Group ②: ru-verb
Q4. Group ③: irregular verb
Q5. Group ③: irregular verb
[Two expressions using “ナイ形”]
Now that you have learned how to conjugate verbs and adjectives into their negative form, let’s take a look at two expressions for which you always have to utilize the “ナイ形”.あまり~ない
Example: この魚はあまりおいしくない。
This fish is not very/particularly delicious.
I don’t have any money at all.
Remember that these two expressions always need to be constructed with a negative. If you for example say “この魚はあまりおいしい”, lots of listeners, even native speakers, may be confused as to what you want to express - is this fish good? Is it bad? So make sure to conjugate the verb/adjective you are using correctly and always use “ナイ形” with these expressions.
Lastly please take a look at the following verbs:焦る To be in a hurry |
帰る To go home, to return |
蹴る To kick, to reject |
喋る To chat, to talk |
滑る To slip, to glide |
減る To decrease, to diminish |
ひねる To twist, to wrench |
照る To shine |
練る To knead |
知る To know |
切る To cut |
入る To enter, to go in |
走る To run |
握る To grasp, to seize |
要る To need |
混じる To be mixed |
限る To restrict, to limit |
散る To fall, to scatter |
かじる To chew, to bite |
参る (humble) to go, to come |
Step ①
Is the verb in question “くる” or “する”?
Yes → It’s an irregular verb!
No → Proceed to Step ②
Step ②
Does the dictionary form of the verb end on “ru”?
Yes → Proceed to Step ③
No → The verb belongs to the group of u-verbs!
Step ③
Is the syllable before “ru” either “i” or “e”?
Yes → Proceed to step ④
No → The verb belongs to the group of u-verbs!
Step ④
Is the verb in question part of the group of exceptions?
Yes → The verb belongs to the group of u-verbs!
No → The verb belongs to the group of ru-verbs!
It is important to be able to distinguish between the different groups to know how to conjugate the verb in question. Therefore try practicing verb conjugations, and you will see, at some point it will start coming naturally to you! Don’t forget to check out the video on this class and tune in to our livestream every wednesday at 6pm (JST) for the real deal!
単語リスト(Vocabulary list)
復習 | Revision |
りんご | Apple |
明日 | Tomorrow |
服 | Clothes |
週末 | Weekend |
映画 | Movie |
午後 | Afternoon |
掃除する | To clean |
遊びに行く | To go out and play, to go and visit (e.g. a friend) |
表現 | Expression |
例外 | Exception |
行く | To go |