How to count to 10 (and beyond) in Japanese

How to count to 10 (and beyond) in Japanese

Welcome to our second video and article series with tutor Naomi. In this live-stream, Naomi explained in simple Japanese and English how to count to 10 and above in Japanese. The basis of this video explains how to count from 0 to 10, but since counting above 10 is quite easy in Japanese, Naomi explains it briefly at the end of the video.

Let’s take a look at the numbers 0-10:
0 ゼロ1 いち
2 に
3 さん
4 し・よん
5 ご
6 ろく
7 しち・なな
8 はち
9 きゅう・く
10 じゅう
Some numbers have variations, like “し” and “よん” - both mean four. Once you advance to a more intermediate level you will learn when there are rules for using which option. As for counting above ten, you simply have to use math. For example, 20 is “にじゅう” in Japanese: 2 x 10 = 20. The same goes for 30 (さんじゅう): 3 x 10 = 30. Can you guess what 40, 50, 60, etc. are in Japanese? You can find the correct answers below. That’s it for today. If you have any questions, you can always clear them up by booking a lesson with one of our native Japanese tutors. See you next time!

[数字リスト・List of Numbers]

数字すうじList of Numbers
0 ゼロ
1 いち
3 さん
4 し・よん
6 ろく
7 しち・なな
8 はち
9 きゅう・く
10 じゅう
20 にじゅう
30 さんじゅう
40 よんじゅう
50 ごじゅう
60 ろくじゅう
70 ななじゅう
80 はちじゅう
90 きゅうじゅう
100 ひやく