How to Say "Don't Worry about It" in Japanese

A Man Saying Don't Worry

You may think the phrase 「心配しんぱいしないで」 is equivalent to "Don't worry about it". However, this doesn't work in some contexts. In this article, you will learn how to say "Don't worry about it" in Japanese naturally.

How to Say "Don't Worry about It" in Japanese with Four Common Situations

1. To Those Who Have Made a Mistake

Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it so much. 
だいじょう(だよ / ですよ)。
It's all right. 
たいしたことじゃない(よ / ですよ)。
It's not a big deal. 

ドンマイ is a casual phrase and the origin comes from 「ドントマインド (don't mind)」. This is a English Japanese, thus the meaning differs from the English ones 

2. To Those Who Feel Sorry for You

だいじょう(だよ / ですよ)。
It's all right. 
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it so much. 

In the above two contexts, be careful because  「心配しんぱいしないで」 is not suitable. 

3. To Those Who Worry about Someone

だいじょう(だよ / ですよ)。
[a person is ] all right.
Don't worry about [a person].
Don't worry about [a person] so much.

心配しんぱいしないで is a little more suitable for serious situations than だいじょう. For example, when you stumble on a stone and your friend says "Are you okay?", you should say 「だいじょう!」.

4. To Those Who Worry about Something

だいじょう(だよ / ですよ)。
It's all right.
Don't worry  about it.
Don't worry about it so much.

After the above phrases, people generally try to encourage superficially. For example, to those who are waiting for the examination result announcement , you can say like this 「心配しんぱいしないで。(けんに)合格ごうかくしているよ! (Don' worry! you will pass the exam.)」 . 


Do you think this is difficult? だいじょう!We are sure that you will get used to the expressions soon.

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