How to use I-Adjectives in Japanese

How to use I-Adjectives in Japanese

An Introduction to i-Adjectives in Japanese for Beginners

Welcome to our third video and article series with tutor Naomi. In this live-stream, Naomi explains briefly how to use i-adjectives in their normal, negative and polite forms.

I-adjectives are called that way because they always end on an “i” when placed before the noun they are modifying. First, let’s take a look at two i-adjectives that are used quite frequently.
To convert i-adjectives into their polite forms, simply add “です” at the end:
あついですさむいです “です” can only be added when the adjective is placed at the end of the sentence, not when it is used to modify a noun. If you want to make a polite sentence with an i-adjective as a noun modifier, you can put “です” after the modified noun. E.g.: I-adjective as a noun modifier (polite):
The weather is hot today.
I-adjective at the end of a sentence (polite)今日きょうあついです
It’s hot today.
If you would like to talk about your own sensation of the weather, you can simply add “わたしは” before the adjective, but it may send more natural not to:
I feel hot.
I feel cold.
If you are talking to a friend, these are more natural ways to express your sensation of the weather:
It’s hot today!
It’s quite cold recently.
Isn’t it hot today?
I’m done with the cold!
Now, to express the negative of an i-adjective, you replace the “い” at the end with “くない”:
Not hot
Not cold
Again, if your adjective is at the end of the sentence you can add “です” to make your sentence polite. If you use the adjective to modify a noun, again, please add “です” after the noun.
I-adjective as a noun modifier (polite, negative):
Today is not a cold day.
I-adjective at the end of a sentence (polite, negative):
Today is not cold.
Here are a few more example sentences from Naomi’s stream:
It’s going to get colder from now on.
It is cold in Kyoto today as well.
It is hot at noon.
It’s not hot right now.
That’s it for today. If you have any questions, you can always clear them up by booking a lesson with one of our native Japanese tutors. See you next time!
単語たんごリスト(Vocabulary list)
形容詞けいようし I-adjective
否定文ひていぶん Negative sentence
天気てんき Weather
今日きょう Today
京都きょうと Kyoto
ひる Noon