Last week Shiho explained how to use “~ようだ” to judge a situation and make assumptions. In today’s lesson we will take a look at the expression “~らしい”. “~らしい” is very similar to expressions we’ve studied before, including “~そうだ” and “~ようだ/~みたいだ”. During the live-stream, she explained how to effectively distinguish between these expressions and how you can make sure to choose the right one for each situation you find yourself in. The differences are subtle, but they are there!
Table of Contents [About "~らしい"] [Using “~らしい” to express hearsay/rumours] [Using “~らしい” to express a guess] [How to conjugate “~らしい”] [Using “~らしい” to express patterns/typical situations] |
[About "~らしい"]
“~らしい” allows the speaker to express hearsay/rumours, guesses and specific patterns or types of situations.[Using “~らしい” to express hearsay/rumours]
Using “~らしい” to express hearsay or rumours means using it to express something the speaker has heard through other people or sources. It can be used very similarly to “~そうだ” for hearsay, which we will cover next time. However, using “~らしい” rather than “~そうだ” to convey hearsay allows the speaker to sound more objective regarding the situation at hand. For example you could say:さっき天気予報を見たんだけど、明日は雪が降るらしいよ。 |
I watched the weather forecast earlier and it seems like it’s going to rain tomorrow. |
[Using “~らしい” to express a guess]
Using “~らしい” to express a guess or an assumption means the speaker has some kind of basis upon which she or he bases an imagined or expected outcome. The same thing can be done with “~ようだ”, but here as well “~らしい” allows the speaker to convey whatever they want to say more objectively by distancing themselves from the situation. For example:うちの子は、新しいゲームを欲しがるのは諦めたらしい。 |
It seems like our kid stopped wishing for that new video game. |
小林さんはパーティーに出たくないらしいです。 |
It seems like Ms. Kobayashi doesn’t want to go to the party. |
[How to conjugate “~らしい”]
Let’s take a look at how to use “~らしい” grammatically correct. Basically, you can use the “普通形” or normal form of verbs, adjectives and nouns+だ and add “~らしい” at the end.Example with the verb “行く” |
行いくらしい/行かないらしい/行ったらしい/行かなかったらしい |
Example with the i-adjective “痛い” |
痛いらしい/痛くないらしい/痛かったらしい/痛くなかったらしい |
Example with the na-adjective “元気” |
元気らしい/元気じゃないらしい・元気ではないらしい/元気だったらしい/元気じゃなかったらしい・元気ではなかったらしい |
Example with the noun “休み” |
休みらしい/休みじゃないらしい・休みではないらしい/休みだったらしい/休みじゃなかったらしい・休みではなかったらしい |
[Using “~らしい” to express patterns/typical situations]
You can use “~らしい” to express a situation that is representative for a specific pattern, meaning it fits into a previously decided upon category. In this case you use a noun + らしい. For example:今日は夏らしい天気だ。 |
Today is a typical summer day. |
“夏らしい天気” means that the season right now is summer. It is a typical summer day. But if you say “夏のような天気”, that means right now is not summer. It could be winter, autumn, or spring, but the weather is like a summer day.
Let’s look at another example:
“小林さんは男らしい人だ” (Kobayashi is a typical man) and “小林さんは男のような人だ” (Kobayashi is/behaves like a man).
In the first example, “男らしい”, Kobayashi actually is a man. A typical one, at that. In the second example, “男のような”, Kobayashi is a girl who seems or comes across manly. She, as a person, is likened to a man.
We know it can be very difficult to distinguish between all of these expressions, since they are very similar to each other. Re-read every article once more, practice, and speak as much Japanese (plus points if you speak with a native speaker!) as you can and you will learn how to use them correctly in time. Good luck studying!
If you ever want to practice this expression with one of our native Japanese tutors, don’t hesitate to sign up on Wasabi and start with a trial lesson before deciding for anything!
単語リスト(Vocabulary list)
判断できる | To be able to judge/decide |
違い | Difference |
伝聞 | Hearsay, rumour |
意味 | Meaning |
客観的に | Objectively |
伝える | To convey |
天気予報 | Weather forecast |
推量 |
Guess |
根拠 |
Basis, foundation |
想像 |
To imagine |
状況 |
Depending on the circumstances |
無関心 |
Apathy, indifference |
冷静 |
Calmness, composure |
無責任 |
Irresponsibility |
ニュアンス |
Nuance |
第三者 |
Third person |
典型 |
Type, pattern |
典型的 |
Typical, representative |
以外 |
With the exception of, excepting |
整理 |
Sorting, arrangement |