Learn about rainy season in Japan

Learn about rainy season in Japan

Welcome back to another “Video & Article” series, this time for another live-stream with tutor Erika. In this lesson we will take a look at rainy season, also called 梅雨( つゆ ) in Japan. This lesson introduces many useful phrases and vocabulary you can use during rainy season… or when complaining about it!

Table of Contents
[梅雨( つゆ ) - rainy season]
[Related Vocabulary with Examples]


Have you ever heard of the word “梅雨( つゆ ) ( ) り”? This means that the rainy season has started, or that the rainy season has made its entrance, if you will When travelling somewhere, you will probably want to know what the weather is going to be like. “Tsuyu”, the rainy season, is something to keep in mind when travelling to Japan. Generally, the rainy season lasts from about June to mid-July, making its way from south to north. The only exceptions are Okinawa, where rainy season usually starts about a month earlier, and Hokkaido, which is barely affected by the weather phenomenon.
今日( きょう ) 日本語( にほんご ) 梅雨( つゆ ) 、そしてそれに関連( かんれん ) する言葉( ことば ) 勉強( べんきょう ) しましょう。
Let’s learn about rainy season in Japan and related expressions in today’s lesson.

[梅雨( つゆ ) - rainy season]

First of all, let’s take a look at the word “梅雨( つゆ ) ” itself. This literally translates to “Plum rain”, mainly because Japanese plums ripen during this season. There are also two different readings for this Kanji. One reading is “Tsuyu”, which is the reading we already mentioned. The second reading is “ばいう” (Baiu). “Tsuyu” is “訓読( くんよ ) み” (the Japanese reading) and “Baiu” is “音読( おんよ ) み” (the Chinese reading). Depending on the combination with other words, “梅雨( つゆ ) ” will be read either as “Tsuyu” or “Baiu”.
梅雨( つゆ ) ( )
The beginning of the rainy season
( ) り” is read in “訓読( くんよ ) み”, so in this case “梅雨( つゆ ) ” is read as “つゆ”.
梅雨( つゆ ) 前線( ぜんせん )
Seasonal rain front
Do you remember our article on Sakura? There is also a “( さくら ) 前線( ぜんせん ) ”! This is the front line along which the rainy season slowly makes its way across the country from south to north. “前線( ぜんせん ) ” is read in “音読( おんよ ) み”, so “梅雨( つゆ ) ” is read as “ばいう”.
梅雨( つゆ ) ( )
The end of rainy season
Again “開け” is “訓読( くんよ ) み”, so this is read as “つゆ”.

[Related Vocabulary with Examples]

Let’s take a look at some vocabulary that is used commonly during rainy season. We will also provide example sentences.
To be damp and humid
今日( きょう ) はじめじめするね。
It’s humid today.
( ) ( ) しする
To be hot and humid
今日( きょう ) ( ) ( ) しするね。
It’s hot and humid today.
( ) ( あつ )
Hot and humid
( ) ( ) しする” and “( ) ( あつ ) い” basically mean the same thing.
熱帯夜( ねったいや )
Tropical night (temperature doesn’t fall below 25℃)
昨日( きのう ) ( よる ) 熱帯夜( ねったいや ) ( ねむ ) れなかったよ。
I couldn’t sleep at all last night because it was a tropical night.
That’s it for today. If you have any questions, you can always clear them up by booking a lesson with one of our native Japanese tutors. See you next time!
単語たんごリスト(Vocabulary list)
梅雨( つゆ ) Rainy season
梅雨( つゆ ) ( ) Beginning of the rainy season
関連( かんれん ) する To be related, to be connected
訓読( くんよ ) Japanese reading of a character
音読( おんよ ) Chinese reading of a character
梅雨( つゆ ) 前線( ぜんせん ) Seasonal rain front
梅雨( つゆ ) ( ) The end of rainy season
じめじめする To be damp and humid
( ) ( ) しする To be hot and humid
( ) ( あつ ) Hot and humid
熱帯夜( ねったいや ) Tropical night (temperature doesn’t fall below 25℃)