In this section, you will learn several key sentence patterns such as Japanese potential, passive, and causative form. We express various things by conjugating verbs. Since you have already completed Japanese basic grammar, all you need to do is to memorize conjugation patterns. Here, you will learn how to express change.
Explanation for How なる and する Work
Table of Contents なる and する ようになる and ようにする ことになる and ことにする |
You can express change in Japanese by using the two words なる (intransitive) and する (transitive). As you learned in the previous lesson, intransitive verbs don’t have objects while transitive verbs have objects. We will show you several functions of なる and する, but please keep the basic concept in mind.
なる and する
[私は / が] | 医者に | なった / なりました |
[Topic / Subject] | Target | Verb |
[I] became a doctor. |
[私は / が] | 子供を | 医者に | する / します |
[Topic / Subject] | Direct Object | Target | Verb |
[I] will make [my] child a doctor. |
Both なる and する can express change of states. The difference is that なる indicates your state alone will change like “to become” while する indicates someone will change your state like “to make it something.” The target of change is expressed by the particle に.
来年、20歳に(なる / なります)。 Next year, [I] will become 20 years old. |
ポケモンは有名に(なった / なりました)。 Pokemon became famous. |
部屋をきれいに(する / します)。 [I] will make [my] room clean. |
言葉遣いを丁寧に(した / しました)。 [I] made [my] wording polite. |
When you connect i-adjectives, you don’t add the particle に, but conjugate them: to replace い with く.
子犬は大きく(なる / なります)。 Puppies become big. |
涼しく(なった / なりました)。 [It] has become cool. |
カレーを温かく(する / します)。 [I] will make the curry warm. |
値段を安く(した / しました)。 [I] made the price cheap. |
Here is a special expression. You can connect even verbs. However, verbs have to be the negative form. This doesn’t also require the particle に, but you need to replace the last い with く, that is to say, the same conjugation as the one for i-adjectives.
子供は泣かなく(なる / なります)。 Lit. Children become the ones that won’t cry (children don't cry anymore). |
ケーキを食べなく(なった / なりました)。 Lit. [I] became the ones that wouldn’t eat cake (I don't eat cake anymore). |
アラームを鳴らなく(する / します)。 [I] will make it so that the alarm won’t ring. |
カレーを冷めなく(した / しました)。 [I] made it so that the curry wouldn't get cold. |
As you learned, ない, which is the negative form of “ある: to be, to exist,” is an exception. When you connect ない with なる and する, it will work differently from other verbs. In present and future tense, you need to drop る.
よく携帯がなく(なる / なります)。 [My] mobile is often lost. |
傘がなく(なった / なりました)。 [My] umbrella was lost. |
よく私は携帯をなく(す / します)。 I often lose [my] cell phone. |
傘をなく(した / しました)。 [I] lose [my] umbrella. |
There is one common set phrase. When you use する with products, it means to order like “I will have coke.”
私はコーラに(する / します)。 I will have coke. |
僕はこれに(する / します)。 I will have this one. |
ようになる and ようにする
[私は / が] | 運動をよくするように | なった / なりました |
[Topic / Subject] | Target | Verb |
Lit. [I] became the one that often did exercises. (I came to the point that I often did exercises). |
When you connect the affirmative form of verbs with なる and する, you need to apply another conjugation, which is ように. For the sake of simplicity, you may consider 運動をよくするように as a noun phrase. Just like the above, ようになる indicates that your state will change alone.
子供も働くように(なる / なります)。 Lit. Children will become the ones that work, too. (*reach the point that they start working). |
小説を読むように(なった / なりました)。 [I] became the one that read novels. |
[私は / が] | 運動をよくするように | した / しました |
[Topic / Subject] | Target | Verb |
[I] made it so that [I] often did exercises. |
ようにする indicates someone will change your state and often expresses customary actions. With the above example, after that, it must be true that you continuously did exercises for a certain time. Depending on the contexts, it can imply your level of effort. For example, the third example below implies your effort while the fourth one doesn't.
早く起きるように(する / します)。 [I] will make it so that [I] get up early. |
勉強をたくさんするように(した / しました)。 [I] made it so that [I] studied a lot. |
悪口を言わないように(した / しました)。 [I] made it so that [I] wouldn't speak critically. |
悪口を言わなく(した / しました)。 [I] made it so that [I] wouldn't speak critically. |
[私は / が] | 風が部屋に入るように | した / しました |
[Topic / Subject] | Target | Verb |
[I] made it so that the wind comes into [my] room. |
ようにする has another function, which is to make something happen. Unlike the first function, you took the action for just one time. With the example above, you maybe did something like opening a window.
テレビを動くように(する / します)。 [I] will make it so that the TV works. |
クーラーで部屋が冷えるように(した / しました)。 [I] made it so that the room would get cold by the air conditioner. |
ことになる and ことにする
[私は / が] | 英語を勉強することに | なった / なりました |
[Topic / Subject] | Target | Verb |
It was decided that [I] would study English. |
[私は / が] | 英語を勉強することに | した / しました |
[Topic / Subject] | Target | Verb |
[I] decided that [I] would study English. |
The function here is to express decisions. ことになる indicates that decisions are naturally or situationally made, e.g. a teacher gives you a compulsory class. By contrast, ことにする indicates that decisions are made by you.
ドイツに引っ越すことに(なる / なります)。 It will be decided that [I] will move to Germany. |
毎日、本を読むことに(なった / なりました)。 It was decided that [I] read books every day. |
ドイツに引っ越すことに(する / します)。 [I] will decide that [I] will move to Germany. |
毎日、本を読むことに(した / しました)。 [I] decided that [I] read books every day. |
If you replace に with と, your speech will sound more formal.
ドイツに引っ越すことと(なる / なります)。 |
毎日、本を読むことと(した / しました)。 |
You may wonder about how “決める: to decide” and “決まる to be decided” work. They are the verbs which express decisions. You can just replace them.
ドイツに引っ越すことに(決まった / 決まりました)。 |
毎日、本を読むことに(決めた / 決めました)。 |
ことにする is also interchangeable with ようにする which expresses customary actions. Note: you cannot use another function which is to make something happen. The following examples essentially have the same meaning.
毎日、本を読むことに(した / しました)。 [I] decided that [I] read books every day. |
毎日、本を読むように(した / しました)。 [I] made it so that [I] read books every day. |
In practice, even if you made a decision, you can use ことになる. When you have something that you would like to indirectly express, you can avoid disclosing who made the decision. For example, if you own a company and decide that the company will go bankrupt, you still say the following.
会社が倒産することに(なった / なりました)。 It has been decided that the company will go bankrupt. |
- なる doesn’t have objects. Your state alone will change.
- する has objects. Someone will change your state.
- Nouns and na-adjectives require に to express targets of change.
- I-adjectives and the negative form of verbs don't need に, but to replace い with く.
- With the affirmative form of verbs, the conjugation is to add ように.
- ことにする / なる expresses decisions.
We believe this topic is not too complicated. If you have difficulty understanding the concept, we recommend you review the lesson about transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. Then, if you would like to say “I’ve become able to speak Japanese,” how should it be? This sentence indicate change of your potential. Next, you will learn Japanese potential form.