Last time, you learned how to express comparison, e.g. “田中さんは玉ねぎより芋を食べます (Tanaka-san eats potatoes more than onions).” Then, if you would like to say, “Tanaka-san eats ONLY potatoes,” what should you say? In this lessons, we will delve deeply into the world of numbers and amounts.
How to Express Numbers and Amounts in Various Ways
Table of Contents Number + も: Surprise だけ and しか…ない: Nothing Except for X ばかり: A Large Numbers or Amounts すぎる: To Excess or Too Much |
In the previous lesson about combined particles, we used the terminology: Focus Particle は and も. By combining them with normal particles such as に and で, you can express detailed nuances. The words that you will learn here can also be categorized into the focus particle group. Thus, please be aware of the following grammatical rules. The basic ones are: (1) Focus particles are replaced with the particle が and を. (2) Apart from が and を, focus particles are attached to particles like には and では.
Focus Particles: も, だけ, しか, and ばかり
Number + も: Surprise
[私は / が] | 玉ねぎを10個も | 買った / 買いました |
[Topic / Subject] | Direct Object | Verb |
[I] (surprisingly) bought ten onions. |
When you attach the focus particle も to numbers, your speech indicates surprise because of the amount. In this context, English translation doesn’t work well, but you may consider this as “even” or “as many as.”
3時間も(話した / 話しました)。 [We] talked for as many as three hours. |
本を100ページも(読んだ / 読みました)。 [I] even read 100 pages of the book. |
100ページもの本を(読んだ / 読みました)。 [I] read the book which surprisingly contains 100 pages. |
When you use “number + も” in negative sentences. There are some cases where you can interpret it in two ways. You need to judge meanings based on contexts.
10人も学校に(来なかった / 来ませんでした)。 Surprisingly, ten people didn’t come to school. Surprisingly, not even ten people came to school. |
だけ and しか…ない: Nothing Except for X
[私は / が] | 玉ねぎを10個だけ | 買った / 買いました |
[Topic / Subject] | Direct Object | Verb |
[I] bought only ten onions. |
だけ doesn’t indicate that amounts are large or small. The function is to express that people voluntarily limit something. When だけ is used with particles, the grammatical rule will work differently. (1) だけ is sometimes used with the particle が and を together like だけが and だけを. (2) だけ can be attached to particles in the opposite order, i.e. both だけに and にだけ are correct.
肉だけを(食べる / 食べます)。 [I] will eat only meat. |
結果だけが求められて(いる / います)。 Only results are required. |
お母さんにだけ手紙を(書いた / 書きました)。 [I] wrote a letter to only my mother. |
1時間だけ(寝た / 寝ました)。 [I] slept for only an hour. |
Be careful; when you combine だけ with the particle で (means), the order will change the meaning.
このアプリはiPhoneだけで使える。 You can use this app by using just iPhones |
このアプリはiPhoneでだけ使える。 Only iPhones are the device that you can use this app. |
For reference, のみ has the same function as だけ, but sounds more formal. Thus, your speech may sound unnatural if you use のみ in casual tone. In the following examples, only the second one is proper to use such a formal word.
肉のみを(食べる / 食べます)。 => Unnatural |
結果のみが求められて(いる / います)。 => Natural |
[私は / が] | 玉ねぎを10個しか | 買わなかった / 買いませんでした |
[Topic / Subject] | Direct Object | Verb |
[I] didn’t buy anything but ten onions. |
しか is always used with the negative form. The function is to express that there is no option except for X or people reluctantly limit something.
野菜しか(食べない / 食べません)。 [I] don’t eat anything but vegetables. |
日本語しか(使わない / 使いません)。 [I] don’t use anything but Japanese. |
勉強するしか(ない / ありません)。 [I] have nothing to do but study. |
日本に3日しか(いなかった / いませんでした)。 [I] was in Japan for just three days. |
*The third example above is a case where focus particles modify verbs. You may memorize that as a set phrase; "Verb + しかない" indicates "have nothing to do but X."
Difference between だけ and しか…ない
魚だけ食べ(なかった / ませんでした)。 [I] only didn’t eat fish. |
魚しか食べ(なかった / ませんでした)。 [I] didn’t eat anything but fish. |
When だけ is used with the negative form, the difference from しか…ない is very clear. They indicate the opposite meanings.
魚だけ(食べた / 食べました)。 [I] ate only fish. |
魚しか食べ(なかった / ませんでした)。 [I] didn’t eat anything but fish. |
When だけ is used with the affirmative form, the facts are the same: You ate fish and didn’t eat other foods. However, the nuance is different. だけ indicates you choose to eat only fish at your own will, while しか indicate you have no options to eat other foods or reluctantly eat fish. If you look at English translations, だけ and しか are often translated “only” and “just.” Please focus on the connotations.
ばかり: A Large Numbers or Amounts
[私は / が] | 玉ねぎばかり | 買った / 買いました |
[Topic / Subject] | Direct Object | Verb |
[I] bought a lot of onions (*onions occupied most of the purchase). |
The function is to express a large number or amount. ばかり can be also used with the particle が and を like ばかりが and ばかりを. The meaning will vary depending on contexts. Let’s pick up some examples one by one. If you try to naturally translate the following examples, both of them may be “I’m drinking only coke.” However, please be aware of the difference.
コーラばかり飲んでいる。 *The frequency that you drink coke is high. |
コーラだけ飲んでいる。 *There is nothing that you drink except for coke. |
Considering the characteristic, だけ is suitable for when you are exclusively doing something. For example, if you want to say “I always watch TV every day,” ばかり is suitable because it’s inevitable that you see something apart from TV in everyday life.
毎日テレビばかり見ている。 The frequency that you watch TV is high. => Natural! |
毎日テレビだけ見ている。 There is nothing you watch except for TV. => Unnatural! |
ばかり is sometimes used between the te-form and いる i.e. 見てばかりいる.
赤ちゃんは泣いてばかり(いる / います)。 Babies almost always are crying. |
友達と遊んでばかり(いる / います)。 [I’m] hanging out with my friends all the time. |
In colloquial expressions, ばかり sometimes becomes ばっかり or ばっか and predicates can be omitted.
コーラばっかり飲んでいる。 |
毎日テレビばっかり。 |
赤ちゃんは泣いてばっか(いる / います)。 |
友達と遊んでばっか。 |
すぎる: To Excess or Too Much
This is not a focus particle. Rather it needs to be conjugated. When it comes to i-adjectives, it can be a little tricky.
All Verbs: Utilize the Polite Form and Attach すぎる Instead of ます
Ru-verb | 見ます | 見すぎる |
着ます | 着すぎる | |
U-verb | 書きます | 書きすぎる |
話します | 話しすぎる | |
Exception | します | しすぎる |
来ます | 来すぎる |
I-adjectives: To Replace the Last い with すぎる
I-adjective | かわいい | かわいすぎる |
寒い | 寒すぎる |
Na-adjectives: To Attach すぎる
Na-adjective | 元気 | 元気すぎる |
きれい | きれいすぎる |
Negative Forms: To Replace the Last い with さ and Attach すぎる
Ru-verb | 見ない | 見なさすぎる |
U-verb | 書かない | 書かなさすぎる |
Exception | しない | しなさすぎる |
来ない | 来なさすぎる | |
I-adjective | かわいくない | かわくなさすぎる |
Na-adjective | 元気じゃない | 元気じゃなさすぎる |
Note: There are i-adjectives which end with ない like “情けない: pitiable, shameful.” Some of such i-adjectives follow the conjugation of the negative form, i.e. 情けなさすぎる. You have to memorize those exceptions.
[私は / が] | 玉ねぎを | 買いすぎ(た / ました) |
[Topic / Subject] | Direct Object | Verb + すぎる |
[I] bought too much onions. |
The function is to express that a number or an amount is too much. You can consider すぎる is the counterpart to “too,” “too much,” and “to excess” in English. This is usually used for bad meanings. However, young generations use this to speak favorably of someone nowadays.
かっこよすぎ(る / ます)。 [You] are too cool. |
昨日は食べすぎ(た / ました)。 As for yesterday, [I] ate [meals] to excess. |
弟は勉強をしなさすぎ(る / ます)。 [My] younger brother studies for little time. |
When you point out someone or talk about customary actions or states, you can use ...すぎる as a noun by dropping the last る. Here, the first and the third example are applicable.
かっこよすぎ(だ / です)よ。 [You] are a too cool [man]. |
昨日は食べすぎ(だった / でした)。 => Unnatural. |
弟は勉強をしなさすぎ(だ / です)。 [My] younger brother is the one that studies for little time. |
- Number + も indicates surprise at the amount.
- だけ indicates you choose to do only X at your own will.
- しか…ない indicates there is no option to do anything except for X or reluctantly do X.
- ばかり indicates there is a large amount of something.
- すぎる indicates there is too much of something.
Congratulations! You have completed the key sentence pattern section. We have picked up the nine major sentence patterns, which are enough to survive in Japan by using Japanese language. Your knowledge about Japanese grammar has greatly increased.