You have entered a new section named “Compound Particles.” In Japanese grammar, particles determine the role of nouns, e.g. the topic particle は and the parallel marker と. However, there are some words which can substitute for particles, which we call “Compound Particles.” They basically consist of a particle and the te-form of a verb (with some exceptions). Their main role is to express more detailed nuances and a higher level of formality than particles do. Therefore, it is important to master them if you aim to acquire advanced Japanese skills.
Compound Particle Counterparts to the Particle に
Up until now, you have expressed targets using the particle に. The expressions we will pick up here are the compound particle counterparts to the particle に. Some of them are interchangeable, but compound particles basically express more detailed nuances with higher formality.
に対して: Targets of Non-physical Actions, Emotions, and Attitudes
[あなたは] | 親に対して | 冷たい(です)よ |
[Topic / Subject] | Target of Attitude | Predicate |
[You] are cool toward [your] parents. |
The function of に対して is to express targets of non-physical actions, emotions, and attitudes. In general, you can replace に対して with the particle に. The main role is to increase formality and to clarify meanings since the several functions of the particle に sometimes make sentences ambiguous.
姉はいつも妹に対して怒って(いる / います)。 The elder sister is always angry at the younger sister. |
失敗に対して責任を感じて(いる / います)。 [I] feel responsibility for the failure. |
サービスに対して不満が(ある / あります)。 [I] have complaints about [your] service. |
In passive sentences, the particle に makes ambiguous sentences. The particle に can indicate doers and targets while に対して indicates only targets. Thus, when it comes to passive sentences, it’s better to use に対して to clarify targets.
田中さんに出された指示はどれも難しい(です)。 As for the directions given by Tanaka-san (*doer), all of them are difficult. As for the directions given to Tanaka-san (*target), all of them are difficult. |
田中さんに対して出された指示はどれも難しい(です)。 As for the directions given to Tanaka-san, all of them are difficult. |
井上さんに届けられた服は着物(だった / でした)。 The clothing delivered by Inoue-san (*doer) was kimono. The clothing delivered to Inoue-san (*target) was kimono. |
井上さんに対して届けられた服は着物(だった / でした)。 The clothing delivered to Inoue-san was kimono. |
As you learned, the particle を (Direct Object) and the particle に (Target) are sometimes confusing. Be careful; you cannot replace the particle を with 対して, too.
肩 に対して・を(叩く / 叩きます)。 [I’ll] tap [someone] on the shoulder. |
妹 に対して・を(叱る / 叱ります)。 [I’ll] scold [my] younger sister. |
Here is one of the places where learners often make a mistake. When the particle に indicates physical contact, you cannot replace the particle に with に対して.
パソコンを先生 に対して ・に(渡す / 渡します)。 [I’ll] hand over the PC to [my] teacher. |
子供 に対して ・ に(会う / 会います)。 [I’ll] meet children. |
について, に関して, and をめぐって: Targets of Thoughts or Speech
[私たちは] | 日本の教育について | 議論(した / しました) |
[Topic / Subject] | Target of Speech | Verb |
[We] discussed education in Japan. |
The function is to express targets of thoughts and speech. You may consider について as the counterpart to “about” in English. に関して is more formal than について like “regarding.” However, you cannot use に関して with verbs related to thoughts, e.g. 思う and 考える (*Look at the third example).
日本の文化について知りたい(です)。 [I] want to know about Japanese culture. |
ゲームに関していい話を(聞かない / 聞きません)。 [I] don’t hear good news regarding (TV) games. |
もっと世界の問題 について・に関して 考え(よう / ましょう)。 Let’s think more about problems in the world. |
をめぐって indicates conflicts between two parties. The difference between をめぐって and について/に関して is that をめぐって allows you to use words which are not directly involved with thoughts and speech, e.g. “争う: to fight” and “対立する: to conflict.” When you use words which indicate both conflicts and speech or thoughts, e.g. “議論する: to discuss,” をめぐって, について, and に関して are interchangeable.
日本の教育をめぐって議論(した / しました)。 [We] discussed education in Japan. |
契約内容をめぐって喧嘩を(した / しました)。 [I] fight with [him/her] concerning the terms of the contract. |
国境をめぐって対立して(いる / います)。 [They] are conflicting concerning the boundary. |
You can set the target part as a topic by combining について and に関してwith the topic particle は, which is not applicable for をめぐって.
理由については、言うつもりは(ない / ありません)。 About the reason, [I] don’t intend to tell you [it]. |
詳細に関しては、後で説明(する / します)。 Regarding the detail, [I] will explain [it] later. |
にかかわる: Targets of Relation
癌は | 命 にかかわる | (重い)病気 | だ / です |
Target of Relation | Modified Noun | ||
Topic / Subject | Noun Clause | State-of-being | |
Cancers are a (heavy) disease which affects [people’s] lives. |
This is a different usage from what you have learned so far. The usage of compound particles can be divided into two groups. The first is to work just like particles, e.g. に対して and について. The second is to work as relative clauses. にかかわる is the later one. In this context, modified nouns can include adjectives. The function of にかかわる is to indicate targets of relations which can roughly be translated as “to do with,” “to be related with,” “to affect,” and “to involve.”
車にかかわる仕事をして(いる / います)。 [I’m] working for a job which is related to cars. |
これは宗教にかかわる話(だ / です)。 This is a topic which is related to religions. |
投資にかかわる人はみんな頭がいい(です)。 Every person who is involved with investments is smart. |
年金は日本の将来にかかわる問題(だ / です)。 Social annuities are the problem which affects Japan’s future. |
Using に対して and をめぐって for Relative Clauses
The origin of 対して and めぐって come from the verbs: 対する and めぐる. However, these verb forms are generally not used as normal verbs, but rather to modify nouns in the same way that にかかわる does. Some compound particles can work like both particles and relative clauses.
観光客に対する態度に不満が(ある / あります)。 [I] have complaints about [your] attitude toward tourists. |
サービスに対する意見が聞きたい(です)。 [I] want to hear [your] opinion about [our] service. |
お金をめぐる争いが頻繁に(起こる / 起こります)。 Disputes over money often occur. |
宗教をめぐる議論はしない方がいい(です)。 It is better not to make discussions concerning religions. |
You can also modify nouns by using the particle の. The meaning will remain the same. This usage is applicable for 対して, について, に関して, and をめぐって. Note: the variety of the usage of compound particles must be confusing. Thus, we have made a table showing all of the usages. If necessary, please refer to it at this link.
日本の文化についての質問(だ / です)。 |
ゲームに関しての話(だ / です)。 |
日本の教育をめぐっての議論(だ / です)。 |
観光客に対しての態度に不満が(ある / あります)。 |
サービスに対しての意見が聞きたい(です)。 |
お金をめぐっての争いは頻繁に(起こる / 起こります)。 |
宗教をめぐっての議論はしない方がいい(です)。 |
- Compound particles have two usages like particles and relative clauses.
- に対して expresses targets of non-physical actions, emotions, and attitudes.
- について and に関して express targets of thoughts and speech like “about.”
- をめぐって expresses conflicts between two parties.
- にかかわる expresses targets of relations.
Regarding the advanced grammar, you should learn it based on a solid knowledge of basic Japanese grammar. When it comes to compound particles, you have to understand how particles and relative clauses work. For example, if you look up the word: に対して in a dictionary, you will find that “toward” and “against” are given as definitions. As you may have noticed, languages are not simple enough to just translate individual words. In order to properly understand the concept of Japanese grammar, please clear up any doubts you may have regarding basic grammar. Next, you will learn compound particles which are related to the particle で.