Lesson 2-2: ジャックと豆の木 / Jack and the Beanstalk

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method

Lesson 2-2: ジャックとまめ / Jack and the Beanstalk

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script

すると、おじいさんはなにかをポケットからしました。「ジャック、そのうしこうかんでこのまめをあげるよ。これはまほうのまめ で、一日いちにちそらまでのびるんだ。」「わかった。」ジャックはうしまめこうかんしていえかえりました。ジャックがいえくと、おかあさんはきました。「うしはいくらでれたの?」「うしはこのまほうのまめこうかんしたよ。」ジャックがまめのことをはなすと、おかあさんはおこはじめました。「おまえはなんてバカなんだ。どうしてだいうしをこんなまめこうかんしたんだ!」おかあさんはまめると、まどからそとげてしまいました。

English Translation

Then, the old man took something out. “Jack, I will give you this bean in exchange for your cow. This is a magic bean and it will grow into a beanstalk that touches the sky for a day.” “Okay.” Jack exchanged the cow for the bean and went home. When Jack arrived at his house, his mother asked, “How much did you sell the cow for?” “I exchanged the cow for this magic bean.” Jack told his mother about the bean and then she started getting angry. “How foolish! Why did you exchange our important cow for such a bean!?” His mother took the bean and tossed it out the window to the outside.


Words Types Meanings
u-verb  to take out, to get out
まめ noun bean
こうかん noun, suru verb exchange, interchange, switching, barter 
まほう noun magic 
バカ noun, na-adjective fool, idiot / foolish, stupid, dull, absurd
だい noun, na-adjective  important, valuable 
u-verb to take, to pick up, to harvest, to earn 
げる ru-verb to throw, to cast away 

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