Lesson 4-5: 注文の多い料理店 / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method

Lesson 4-5: ちゅうもんおおりょうてん / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script








English Translation

After they cleaned their clothes, they opened the door and got inside. Again, something was written on the back of the door.

“Please put your gun here.”

There was a table at the side of the door. “Indeed, it’s certainly not good to eat a meal while having a gun.” “Well, other guests may be surprised.” Next, there was a black door.

“Please take off your hat and shoes.”

“Why do we have to take them off?” “I don’t know, but let’s take them off.” They took off their hat and shoes and entered the next room. This was written on the back of the black door;

“Please put your glasses and wallet in this box.”

A box with a key was placed at the side of the door. “These kind of items have nothing to do with a meal, but why?” “Because we will pay the money here when we return, I guess.” “I see.”


Words Types Meanings
u-verb  to put, to place 
なるほど  set phrase  I see, that's right, indeed 
たしかに adverb surely, certainly
...かもしれない expression  expressing possibility like "may," "might"
ぼう noun hat, cap
メガネ noun  spectacles, glasses 
さい  noun  purse, handbag, wallet 
関係かんけいない  set phrase  unrelated, irrelevant, unconcerned, unconnected 
はらう  u-verb  to pay 

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