Lesson 4-6: 注文の多い料理店 / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method

Lesson 4-6: ちゅうもんおおりょうてん / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script






English Translation

They put their glasses and wallet into the box. Then, they walked a little and there was a red door.

“Please apply this medicine on your face and body.”

There was medicine placed in front of the door. “Why do we have to apply the medicine?” “Um, I have no idea. But, because of this, we can clean our body as well.” “You’re right. Let’s clean our body as well.” They applied the medicine on their body and opened the door. What was written on the back of the red door was this;

“Don’t forget to apply the medicine to your ears.”

“Oh, I forgot to apply the medicine to my ears. People in this restaurant are very sensitive, aren’t they?” “I also forgot to apply that to my ears. But, when can we eat a meal. I’m already hungry.”


Words Types Meanings
くすり noun  medicine, drugs 
ぬる  u-verb to paint, to plaster, to lacquer, to varnish, to spread 
まえ  adverbial noun in front (of), before 
けど  conjunction  but, however, although 
しておく  expression expressing preparation for the future
わすれる  ru-verb  to forget, to leave carelessly 
こまかい  i-adjective  sensitive, attentive
いつ question word when 
もう  adverb already, yet, by now, (not) anymore

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