Lesson 5-6: 走れメロス / Run, Melos!

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method

Lesson 5-6: はしれメロス / Run, Melos!

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script


English Translation

The next day, the wedding was held. That day, it rained hard. Melos and the people of the village said together, “Congratulations.” In the morning on the day after the wedding, Melos started running toward the town. [Melos thought] “I will be killed this night. I will run to be killed. I will run for my friend.” Melos ran very hard. This time, Melos found a big river. Due to the hard rain the day before, the water in the river increased and the bridge was broken. Melos cried with a loud voice, “Without crossing this river, I cannot save my friend. Please God, stop the water in the river. But, Melos’ voice didn’t reach God.


Words Types Meanings
おこな u-verb to perform, to do, to conduct oneself, to carry out 
おめでとう  set phrase congratulations  
かわ noun  river, stream 
える  ru-verb  to increase, to multiply 
こわれる  ru-verb  to be broken, to break
わたる  u-verb to cross over, to go across 
神様かみさま  noun  God 
める  ru-verb  to stop, to turn off 
とどく  u-verb  to reach, to arrive, to get through, to get at 

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