Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Easy Japanese

Japanese Fairy Tale

Read-aloud Method with Easy Japanese

Material Information

Name Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Easy Japanese
Level Lower-intermediate (JLPT N4)
Lesson Number 36
Total Time 48 minutes
Type of Audio file A. Slow speed
B. Slow speed with pauses
C. Natural speed
D. Natural speed with pauses
Translation English
How to Use Read-aloud Method

All programs can be played on each lesson page. Furthermore, if you would like to utilize your mobile devices or hear them off-line, you can download them via the following URL. Additionally, we have labeled the audio files as follows: “slow speed” as “A”, “slow speed with pauses” as ”B”, “natural speed” as “C” and “natural speed with pauses” as “D”. For example, if you would like to hear lesson 2-1 at a slow speed with pauses, please use No. B02-1.

Download Links (*ZIP files)

A. Slow speed Story 1-3, 4-5
B. Slow speed with pauses Story 1-3, 4-5 
C. Natural speed Story 1-3, 4-5 
D. Natural speed with pauses Story 1-3, 4-5

*Please also check the article “Japanese Lessons: How to Proceed with the Read-aloud Method” if you haven’t already read it.

Program Table

1. 北風きたかぜ太陽たいよう / The North Wind and the Sun

2. ジャックとまめ / Jack and the Beanstalk

3. ツルのおんがえし / The Crane of Gratitude

4. ちゅうもんおおりょうてん / The Restaurant That Has Many Orders

5. はしれメロス / Run, Melos!


Wasabi has remade the above works that are already public domain with easy Japanese. The contents are slightly different from the original ones. We have written English translations with Japanese grammatical structures. Therefore, some of them may not be natural in terms of English grammar.

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