Nowadays, we rarely write emails to friends because messaging applications like WhatsApp, LINE, and WeChat have prevailed. However, you should still know how to write emails in Japanese if you are aiming to move to Japan because email is still a common communication tool for commercial activities.
Complete Guide for How to Write Emails in Japanese
Table of Contents Japanese Email Format Subject Addressing Recipients Introduction Closing Phrase Body Q&A |
Writing Japanese emails is not difficult if you know the formats. First, let’s learn the most basic one. *Note: For the sake of simplicity, we have literally translated Japanese into English. Some of them may not be natural in terms of English, but please utilize them to understand the structures of the different Japanese email formats.
Japanese Email Format
件名: 本日のお礼
株式会社ワサビ 山田 武様
合同会社 暖の松本です。
合同会社 暖 松本段
長崎県島原市本光寺町 3296-3
TEL: +81-99-9999-9999
Email: info@wasabi-jpn.com
URL: http://www.wasabi-jpn.com/
English Translation
Subject: Thank You for Your Time Today
Dear Mr. Yamada from Wasabi, Inc.
We appreciate your help as always.
This is Matsumoto from Dan, LLC.
Thank you for your time today.
There are still some problems that remain,
we will do our best to contribute to your company.
We hope our relationship will continue for a long time.
This is just a quick note to express our appreciation for your time today.
Dan LLC. Dan Matsumoto
3296-3 Honkojimachi, Shimabara, Nagasaki, Japan
TEL: +81-99-9999-9999
Email: info@wasabi-jpn.com
URL: www.wasabi-jpn.com
We have added explanations to the example below. Please note: one of the biggest difference between Japanese and English emails is that you have to start a new line when each line contains approximately 15 to 25 letters.
件名: 本日のお礼
For the subject, you should summarize your message with one phrase.
株式会社ワサビ 山田 武様
First, you have to start by addressing the person to whom you are writing. Then, start a new paragraph.
合同会社 暖の松本です。
Second, you say who you are with the common business greeting phrase. Then, start a new paragraph.
After that, you will write your actual message. It is best that you have only one topic in one email in order to clearly convey what you are trying to say. However, if you would like to mention multiple topics, please start new paragraphs for each topic.
Finally, you end your email with a closing phrase.
This is the basic format. Please try to memorize the structure: Subject, Recipient, Introduction, Body and Closing Phrase. Then, you can just replace the contents.
You Can Copy & Paste: Examples of Writing Emails in Japanese
Next, let’s go over each part of the email format. We have listed only practical examples. Please use them when you need to write emails in Japanese.
... の件について / Regarding ...
コンペ参加の件について | Regarding Participation in the Competition |
新規プロジェクトの件について | Regarding the New Project |
10日の会議の件について | Regarding the Meeting on the 10th |
... のお願い / Request for ...
アポイントメントのお願い | Request for an Appointment |
見積書発行のお願い | Request to Issue a Quotation |
請求書発行のお願い | Request to Issue an Invoice |
... のご案内 / Invitation to ...
セミナー開催のご案内 | Invitation to a Seminar |
交流会のご案内 | Invitation to a Networking Party |
忘年会のご案内 | Invitation to an Annual Party |
... の確認 / Confirmation for ...
仕様の確認 | Confirmation for the Specification |
納期の確認 | Confirmation for the Deadline |
搬入予定日の確認 | Confirmation for the Expected Delivery Date |
... についての問い合わせ / Inquiry about ,,,
新商品についての問い合わせ | Inquiry about the New Product |
採用についての問い合わせ | Inquiry about Recruitment |
支払いについての問い合わせ | Inquiry about the Payment |
... のお礼 / Thank You for ...
本日のお礼 | Thank You for Your Time Today |
面談のお礼 | Thank You for the Meeting |
ご発注のお礼 | Thank You for Your Order |
... のお詫び / Apology for ...
納期遅延のお詫び | Apology for the Delayed Delivery |
商品破損のお詫び | Apology for the Damaged Item |
接続障害のお詫び | Apology for the Connection Trouble |
... のお知らせ / Notice of ...
休暇のお知らせ | Notice of Vacation |
住所変更のお知らせ | Notice of Change of Address |
営業時間変更のお知らせ | Notice of Change in Business Hours |
[至急] | [Urgent] |
[重要] | [Important] |
[社外秘] | [Confidential] |
[業務外] | [Private] |
[再送] | [Resend] |
[問い合わせ] | [Inquiry] |
[回答] | [Answer] |
Addressing Recipients
Writing an Email to Somebody Outside Your Company
Formal | 株式会社ワサビ 代表取締役 松本様 |
Neutral | 株式会社ワサビ 松本様 |
Casual | 松本様 |
The order should be: the name of the organization, the recipient’s family name, and the suffix 「様」. There should be a space between the organization’s name and the recipient’s family name. At the end, unlike the way you put a comma in English emails, you should not put anything. The longer a sentence is, the more formal it looks. If you would like to write formal emails, you can add a first name, a designation and a department name.
Writing Emails to a Few Recipients
株式会社ワサビ 松本様、常盤様 |
株式会社ワサビ 松本様、常盤様 、岩本様 |
株式会社セルフサポート有明ワークス 松本様、常盤様 |
株式会社セルフサポート有明ワークス 松本様、常盤様、岩本様 |
株式会社ワサビ 横山様 合同会社暖 徳永様 |
Please try to keep to the rule: Start a new line when it contains approximately from 15 to 25 letters.
Writing Emails to Several Recipients
各位 | Dear All |
関係者各位 | Dear All Persons Involved |
取引先各位 | Dear All Customers |
営業部各位 | Dear Sales Department |
ワサビプロジェクトチーム各位 | Dear Wasabi project team members |
「各位」 is a key phrase. It can express your respect; thus, you don’t have to use 「様」.
When You Don’t Know Who is in Charge (or, When You Inquire About Something for the First Time)
Formal | 株式会社ワサビ 御中 | Dear Representative of Wasabi, Inc. |
Neutral | ご担当者様 | Dear Sir or Madam, or To Whom It May Concern, |
「御中」 is another key phrase and can express your respect. However, in most business emails, 「ご担当者様」 can be used and looks professional. 「御中」 is more suitable for business letters.
Writing Emails to Your Boss or Coworkers
Formal | 松本支店長 | Dear Branch Manager Matsumoto |
Casual | 松本さん | Mr. Matsumoto |
When you write a designation, it looks formal. When you put 「さん」 behind a name instead, it looks casual.
Writing as a Representative of an Organization
いつもお世話になります。 株式会社ワサビの松本です。 |
We appreciate your help as always. This is Matsumoto from Dan, LLC. |
This is the most common phrase. For the first email, you should write: 「はじめまして。株式会社ワサビの松本と申します。」. Otherwise, you can utilize this one for almost any situation.
Writing as an Individual
いつもお世話になります。松本です。 |
You can use the above phase (but use the name of your organization instead). When it comes to writing emails as individuals, this may look a litle polite, but we don’t think being polite will cause any problems. If you would like to be casual, you can remove this introductory part.
Closing Phrases
取り急ぎ、... のみで失礼いたします。 | This is just a quick note to ... |
以上、ご確認をお願いいたします。 | This is the end (of the email). Please confirm what we have mentioned. |
以上、今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。 | This is the end (of the email). We hope our relationship will continue for a long time. |
Although there are several closing phrases in Japanese emails, we suggest that you use the above ones for the time being. They are the most practical and common.
Since this is your actual message, it is a little difficult to show you useful formats. Instead, we will show you some emails used in practice.
Requesting an Appointment
件名: アポイントメントのお願い
株式会社ワサビ 石田様
合同会社 暖の松本です。
4月1日 9時~12時
合同会社 暖 松本段
長崎県島原市本光寺町 3296-3
TEL: +81-99-9999-9999
Email: info@wasabi-jpn.com
URL: http://www.wasabi-jpn.com/
Subject: Request for an Appointment
Dear Mr. Ishida from Wasabi, Inc.
We appreciate your help as always.
This is Matsumoto from Dan, LLC.
We have kept you waiting for a while,
but we have completed the quote you requested the other day.
There are some points which we would like to explain face to face.
Could you give us your preferred time from the following dates if possible?
9:00 - 12:00 April 1st
13:00 - 17:00 April 2nd
10:00 - 17:00 April 3rd
Although we know you are busy, we would be grateful if you could fit us into your schedule.
This is the end (of the email). Please confirm what we have mentioned.
Dan LLC. Dan Matsumoto
3296-3 Honkojimachi, Shimabara, Nagasaki, Japan
TEL: +81-99-9999-9999
Email: info@wasabi-jpn.com
URL: www.wasabi-jpn.com
Confirming Your Agreement for the (Technical) Specifications
件名:仕様の確認 (No. 123456)
株式会社ワサビ 宇治様
合同会社 暖の松本です。
合同会社 暖 松本段
長崎県島原市本光寺町 3296-3
TEL: +81-99-9999-9999
Email: info@wasabi-jpn.com
URL: http://www.wasabi-jpn.com/
Subject: Confirmation for the Specification (No. 123456)
Dear Mr. Uji from Wasabi, Inc.
We appreciate your help as always.
This is Matsumoto from Dan, LLC.
Thank you for your explanation the other day.
After internal consideration, the (technical) specifications are not a problem.
And hence, could you please issue a quote?
We are sorry to trouble you, but we appreciate your cooperation.
This is the end (of the email). Please confirm what we have mentioned.
Dan LLC. Dan Matsumoto
3296-3 Honkojimachi, Shimabara, Nagasaki, Japan
TEL: +81-99-9999-9999
Email: info@wasabi-jpn.com
URL: www.wasabi-jpn.com
When You Inquire About a New Product (as an Individual)
Subject: Inquiry about a New Product
Dear Sir or Madam,
[A Japanese greeting] . This is Matsumoto.
I saw your homepage saying you’re going to sell a new smartphone model soon.
If possible, could you tell me the specific release date and the rough price please?
I'm sorry to trouble you, but I appreciate your cooperation.
This is the end (of the email). Please confirm what I have mentioned.
Dan Matsumoto
What are 「拝啓」 and 「敬具」?
You may have seen these phrases when you looked up “Dear” and “Sincerely.” They are usually used in letters, not emails. Thus, you can just ignore them.
How should we use To, Cc, and Bcc in Japan?
This is same as English emails. One thing we should mention is that most Japanese companies strictly follow the Personal Data Protection Law. Please be careful when you need to select Cc or Bcc.
Conclusion for How to Write Emails in Japanese
Thank you for reading this long article. We hope we have explained everything you will need to write emails in Japanese. If you need more clarification, please let us know at any time, on our Facebook page. We will add your questions into the Q&A accordingly.
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