Japanese Graded Readers (JLPT N4): 北風と太陽 / The North Wind and the Sun

The North Wind and the Sun

Japanese Graded Readers: Fairy Tales and Short Stories with Read-aloud Method

Lesson 1-1: 北風きたかぜ太陽たいよう / The North Wind and the Sun

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script


English Translation

“I’m stronger.” “No, I’m stronger.” The voice of the North Wind and the Sun were heard. It seemed that they were arguing about which power was stronger. “Since you (the Sun) are energetic every day, it’s hot and everyone is troubled. When I blow the cool wind, everyone looks happy. I’m more helpful to them all.” “But, if I’m not here, trees and vegetables don’t grow. In the winter, since the wind you (the North Wind) blew was cold, it was very cold. Everyone was unable to go out, isn’t that right? These days, it’s warm and everyone is glad.” “No, look at over there. Since you shine strongly, the water in the river is going to disappear soon. Without the water, everyone cannot live.”


Words Types Meanings
ほう expression  expressing comparison like "more"
どちら question word  which
ケンカ noun, suru verb quarrel, brawl, fight, argument
ようだ(です) expression seeming to be, appearing to be 
こま u-verb to be troubled, to be worried, to be bothered
すずしい i-adjective cool, refreshing
やく set phrase to be helpful, to be useful
u-verb to blow, to play a wind instrument
らす  u-verb to shine on, to illuminate

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