Japanese Grammar Exercise: Making Suggestions 「どうですか」

Japanese Grammar: たらどうですか

Before starting the exercise for making suggestions 「どうですか」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have the necessary knowledge.

Genki II - Lesson 14: ~たらどうですか?
Tae Kim's Guide - Desire and Suggestions (*last part)

Instantaneous Composition Exercise for Particles Making Suggestions 「どうですか」

This is not a translation exercise. This is the Instantaneous Composition Exercise. As if a reflexive action, try to create an equivalent Japanese sentence sho rtly after reading an English script. Try not to think for more than three seconds.

Natural Speed with Pauses

English and Hidden Japanese Scripts

How about taking a little rest?
How about enjoying (it) more? 
How about watching a new movie?
How about looking (it) up in (the) dictionary?
How about coming together with (your) friend?
How about studying in the morning?
How about reading Japanese books?
How about living in Australia?
How about waiting for (your) father?
How about going inside?


This expression is mostly used between friends, family and people you have a close relationship with. When you are in business situations, it’s better to utilize the form; 「...てみる (Expressing “try”)」. For example, 「少し休んでみたらどうですか?」 sounds more formal.

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