Before starting the exercise for wh-question 「なに」「なん」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have the necessary knowledge.
Instantaneous Composition Exercise for Wh-question 「なに」「なん」
This is not a translation exercise. This is the Instantaneous Composition Exercise. As if a reflexive action, try to create an equivalent Japanese sentence shortly after reading an English script. Try not to think for more than three seconds.
Natural Speed with Pauses
English and Hidden Japanese Scripts
What is this? => This is a pencil.
これは何ですか? => これは鉛筆です。
What is that? => That is an ashtray.
あれは何ですか? => あれは灰皿です。
What are these? => They are shoes.
これは何ですか? => これは靴です。
What are those? => They are chopsticks.
あれは何ですか? => あれはお箸です。
What is (your) hobby? => (It’s) travel.
趣味は何ですか? => 旅行です。
What are (you) drinking? => (I’m) drinking coffee.
何を飲んでいますか?=> コーヒーを飲んでいます。
What are (you) eating? => (I’m) eating cake.
何を食べていますか? => ケーキを食べています。
What are (you) doing? => (I’m) studying.
何をしていますか? => 勉強をしています。
What flowers do (you) have? => (I) have roses.
何の花を持っていますか? => バラを持っています。
What songs do (you) like? => (I) like “Imagine.”
何の歌が好きですか? => イマジンが好きです。
The concept of the plurality in Japanese is completely different from English. We never consider items such as chopsticks and shoes to be plural. Therefore, although we showed “these”, “those” and “they” in the English script, you need to use singular words based on the object instead of “これら” and “あれら”.