Japanese Grammar: Expressing Contrary Results with Complaint or Surprise 「のに」

Japanese Grammar のに

Before starting the exercise for expressing contrary results with complaint or surprise 「のに」, please clarify any doubts you may have about the grammatical rules by referring to your grammar guidebook or dictionary. The Instantaneous Composition Method requires you to compose sentences with the target sentence pattern(s) over and over in order to use them almost effortlessly. You should already have the necessary knowledge.

Genki II - Lesson 22: ~のに
Tae Kim's Guide - Compound Sentences

Instantaneous Composition Exercise for Expressing Contrary Results with Complaint or Surprise 「のに」

This is not a translation exercise. This is the Instantaneous Composition Exercise. As if a reflexive action, try to create an equivalent Japanese sentence shortly after reading an English script. Try not to think for more than three seconds.

Natural Speed with Pauses

English and Hidden Japanese Scripts

Despite (the fact that I’m) studying (Japanese), (I’m) not good at Japanese.
Despite (the fact that) this book was expensive, (it) is not interesting.
Despite (the fact that it’s) morning, (I’m) very sleepy.
Despite (the fact that) this is cake, (it) is not sweet.
Despite (the fact that) this box is small, (it) is very heavy.
Despite (the fact that) this road is dark, there are no streetlights.
Won’t (you) go to the sea? => (Surprise) What!? (It’s) cold today! 
うみきませんか? => ええ!今日きょうさむいのに!
Won’t (you) meet (me) from now? => (Surprise) What!? (It’s) 11:00PM now!
いまからいませんか? => ええ!いまよる11じゅういちなのに!
Let’s work tomorrow, too! => (Complaint) Tomorrow is a day off…
明日あしたはたらきましょう。=> 明日あしたやすみのなのに…。
Let’s drink alcohol! => (Complaint) As for alcohol, (I) don’t like (it)…
さけみましょう。=> おさけきじゃないのに…。 

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