Japanese Lessons: Learn Japanese Expressions with Manga 1-7-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 1-7-1 "いちりゅう"のワナ?/ The Top-Tier Trap

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

You can browse all of the pages by clicking the picture above and then move to any page via 「もく」 at the left. When you need English translations or explanations, please return here and refer them. This article covers from page 189 to page 208.

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation


My dream… is to buy a 24-speed bicycle. Eiroku University Hospital, A.K.A. “Hilltop”. You have to climb this long slope to get there.


“So what do you think? Sweet ride, eh?” “I’m hot.” “Ha Ha Ha! A/C is useless in a convertible! And riding around bundled against the winter cold is part of the whole aesthetic, too.” (Quit littering!)

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「ポイ」 is a Japanese onomatopoeia, representing sounds of carelessly throwing something.


“I see… so you clammed up in front of the patient.” “It’s just… Mr. Miyamura Really needs an operation right away.” “Didn’t the patient ask if this hospital could be trusted? Keeping quiet will only make him worry more. The end justifies the means. The less you communicate, the better impression you’ll make. Plus you’re less likely to be sued if something goes wrong.” “B-but that’s...”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「ウソも方便ほうべん」 is a Japanese proverb and can also be translated as “a little lie is useful in some cases” or “A necessary lie is harmless”.


“You’re coming along, I see. We’ll meet with the surgery team today to decide whether we’ll operate.” “Er... uh… I’m sorry. I couldn’t give you an answer yesterday. But we really are doing everything we can for you. So please… trust us.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「つまる」 means “to be packed” or “to be blocked”. This can also be used for 「こと」 and 「こたえ」 like “to be at loss for words”.


In most cases, heart disease is treated in the internal medicine department. But some illnesses, like cardiac malformation, valvular disease, and severe angina, require surgery. That’s why Eiroku’s cardiovascular department and cardiac surgeons meet for a joint conference every month. They determine if surgery is indicated (*Indicated: Necessary) and if the patient meets the requirements (*Requirements: Conditions, like strength, needed to undergo surgery).


This manga has medical jargon which you don’t have to memorize.


“Mr. Miyamura… he wouldn’t look me in the eye. Well, we all have different chemistry with our patients. Here we are.”


(Clinical Conference Room)


“Don’t lose your nerve… The people in there are from a whole other rough-and-tumble world. Just don’t talk back and they’ll let you get out alive.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「きったはった」 consists of two verbs; 「る (to cut)」 and 「る (to slap)」 and indicates something violent. This is often used to express the Japanese Mafia’s world.


“So, uh, here are the chest X-rays.” “We can’t hear you!” “Enough with the plain films! (*Plain films: Radiographic images of the chest) What about the echo findings in the annulus, huh!?” “I’m ashamed that you useless internists bear the Eiroku name!” “Quit screwing around!”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar

「…かぎりだ」 consists of adjective and かぎりだ and means “to feel very …”. This is used like this 「うらやましいかぎりだ (I’m so jealous)」 and 「残念ざんねんかぎりだ (I feel so disappointed)」.


“This is the cardiac surgery team… Over there is the big cheese, Dr. Yoshiya Fujii.”“Ah! I saw him this morning.” “He’s more politician than doctor. Loves money, woman, and power.”


“Go run another catheter and maybe we’ll talk! Next! The CABG (*Coronary artery bypass graft) patient from 1st internal?”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

なおす」 means “to come again”, “to call again” and “to make a fresh start”; it can be used as both positive and negative expressions.

第一内だいいちない斉藤さいとうです。症例しょうれい宮村和みやむらかずさん38さんじゅうはっさいさか経営けいえいしているかたです。ぜんこう回旋かいせんとも広範こうはん狭小きょうしょう計算けいさんすると93きゅうじゅうさん%ぱーせんとおよび*91きゅうじゅういち%ぱーせんとと、ともにこう閉塞状態へいそくじょうたいです。」「手術しゅじゅつだな。」 「手術しゅじゅつだ。」「現在げんざいヘパリンかん800はっぴゃくたん、ACTは200にひゃくとミリスロールをとうしていますが…。つぎ血液所見けつえきしょけんもうげます。」「もういい手術しゅじゅつだ。こんなんなってからってきやがって。」

“I’m Saito, from the 1st Dept. of Internal Medicine. The patient is Kazuo Miyamura, 38, Liquor-store owner. Both the anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery display extensive narrowing… We’ve calculated high levels of blockage at 93 and 91% respectively.” “That means surgery.” “Surgery!” “The patient currently has an act of 200 with 800 units of heparin per hour. We’re also giving him millisrol... Now I’d like to discuss the hematological findings.” “Never mind that! He needs surgery. Why’d you even bother coming if he’s that far gone?”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「および」 is a formal expression and means “and” and “and … as well”.


“So, ah… When can we expect the surgery to take place?” “That’s for us to decide. Go on back, now, and look after the patient ‘til you hear from us.” “But… But, sir… The patient repeatedly complained of chest pain yesterday. Perhaps sooner would be...” “Listen, kid. We’re the ones who’re always cleaning up after you guys.” “We cardiac surgeons know more about the heart than anyone. Why don’t you let us handle it, hmm? My own personal hilltop… At Eiroku, the impossible is still impossible, wherever you go.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「…やる」 means “to do … for”. However, this can indicate unwillingness.

The Department next door feels like it’s oceans away.



“What’s your deal, Saito? We got off early for once, so let’s go have some fun!” “Sorry. I’m heading back to read up on heart disease. Plus I’m kind of low on cash...” “Loosen up, man! Life is rough if you don’t take time to smell the roses!”


“I told you, I’ll take the bus home! I’m not just being polite, honestly I’m not!” “Oh, c’mon! Why not?” “You can go now!” “Ha Ha Ha! Playing hard to get, eh?” “I’ll be back! Adios!”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

「よいではないか。よいではないか」 is a Japanese slang and is not used in everyday life.


(Hey… It’s Dr. Fujii and the litterbug from this morning.)


“It’s, uh, pretty far to walk… It would probably take you a half hour at least.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

The subject; 「きょ」 is omitted in the sentence. This omission with ある is often seen.


“Hmph! Who builds a hospital on top of a mountain, plus there’s only one bus an hour… I’ve been at all kinds of hospitals, but this place is the pits.” “Huh? You work at Eiroku University Hospital?” “Kaori Akagi. I started this month as a surgical nurse.”


“Wow… so your patient is dying, and there’s still no operation scheduled.” “What with surgery and internal medicine and the department-mental wall… I think we need to work in a way that’s more patient-centric.” “That’s men for you. Full of this weird kind of pride, always wanting to show off their authority.” “I’m not much different myself. All I do is complain on the sidelines...”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

いまにも … そう」 is a kind of set phrase and can used like this 「いまにもあめりそう (it’s going to rain any moment)」 and 「いまにもちそう (it’s ready to drop)」.  


“Hey, Dr. Saito… Where would you go if you needed surgery?” “Huh? I guess I’d still pick a university hospital. Because when it’s crunch time, they have way more doctors than a regular hospital!” “That’s just dumb. Having too many doctors dulls a surgeon’s skills. After all, the more operations you do, the better you get. Hospitals with too high of a doctor-patient ratio won’t post good surgical result.” “...Oh.” “There are about 18 thousand bypass surgeries a year… and about 3 thousand cardiac surgeons in Japan.” “That’s an average of about 6 operations per surgeon.” “But in cardio, each surgeon has to perform 100 operations a year… Just to keep up his or her skills. I got a glimpse of Eiroku’s or records. All those cardiac surgeons, and only 12 of them operated last year.” “B-but the cardiac surgery professor said if they can’t do it here, they can’t do it anywhere.” “Ah, yes.. the mighty Eiroku. They can’t even imagine that there could be anyone out there more brilliant than they are. That’s the danger in being “Top-Tier”.

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「そんでもって」 comes from 「それでもって」 and means “and (so)” or “because of which”. This is a casual expression.


“Dr. Kume? There’s something in Mr. Miyamura’s bloodwork results that concerns me.” “This is terrible… Mr. Miyamura’s body… won’t withstand the operation...”

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