Japanese Lessons: Learn Japanese Grammar with Manga 2-1-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 2-1-1 告白こくはく / The Confession

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

You can browse all of the pages by clicking the picture above and then move to any page via 「もく」 at the left. When you need English translations or explanations, please return here and refer them. This article covers from page 1 to page 22.

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation

PTぴーてぃー活性かっせい43よんじゅうさんてんなな%ぱーせんと血中けっちゅうアンモニア92きゅうじゅうに μgまいくろぐらむ/ぱーdlでしりっとる宮村みやむらさんは肝硬変かんこうへん併発へいはつしている…。PTぴーてぃー活性かっせい50ごじゅっ%ぱーせんとるほど血液凝けつえきぎょうのうていしているとしゅじゅつむずしい。人工心肺じんこうしんぱい使つかえばさらにかんのうていして、そのまま回復かいふくしなくなる険性けんせいす。手詰てづまりだな…。」



“Factor II activity 43.7%... blood ammonia 92 μg/dl. Mr. Miyamura has complicating hepatic cirrhosis. With factor II activity below 50%, his blood is less likely to clot. Surgery would be tricky. Using a heart-lung machine would further reduce his liver function. He may not be able to recover at all. We’re stuck.”

Mr. Miyamura’s chances for a successful surgery are almost nil.

“Mr. Miyamura, at yesterday’s meeting, with the cardiac surgery team, you were cleared for a coronary artery bypass. We can connect the blocked portion of your heart blood vessels to another free-flowing blood vessel. It’s like using a clean pipe to bypass a blocked pipe. The surgery uses the internal thoracic artery found at the rear of the chest cavity. We’ll keep you updated on scheduling and other details.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

「々」 is actually not kanji. This is called 「おど (lit. dancing character)」 and its function is to represent a duplicated character. For example, ひと means “person”, but once you attach 々, that becomes ひとびと and means “people”. For your information, 追々おいおい can be translated as ”gradually”, “little by little”, and “step by step”.


“Mr. Miyamura, he doesn’t even have the strength to sit up anymore.” “Why can’t we tell him the truth?” “Article 23 of the medical practitioners’ act: health guidance obligations. It says doctors must not cause ill health in their patients. And causing him anxiety would be bad for his heart.” “But… but that’s just..” “A real stretch. Go on, tell Mr. Miyamura how you really feel. You’ll only be weakening our position at a most critical time. How would telling the truth change things? He needs surgery, period. Look, I’m up to my neck in work. Give your mind a rest or I’ll fall behind.” (Is he telling me to stop thinking?)

One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar

「…てみろ」 is the imperative-conditional form. The common usage is that you first show a condition and then tell a result, like this 「うそをついてみろ、ほんおこるぞ ([if you] tell a lie, I will really get angry)」.


“Hey! Intern! Add yesterday’s test results to the fever chart, would ja?” “Hey, Saito, you have breakfast yet?” “Not yet.” “Dr. Dekune! The patient’s family is asking for details about his condition.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

う」 is a Japanese slang and equivalent to 「べる」. 「くった」 is the past form of 「う」.


“Mr. Toda didn’t show up today, did he?” “Caught a cold, he said, and couldn’t come.”


(Dammit… look at the time. I’ve got to get to my evening rounds.)


“C’mon, Saito-- Let’s grab dinner.” “Sorry. I’m in the middle of this.” “Dr. Saito, I need a summary of the patients we’re discharging tomorrow.” “Hey, you there! Go on a takeout run.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

If you said 「そこの」 towards people, it would be very rude of you. This is basically used for non-animated things like 「そこのほん (The book over there)」.


(Damn it all… What the hell am I, anyway? And why am I doing this?)


“No! Geez! Aw...” “Go get more. On your dime.”


(Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Thinking.)


“Why do I have to go alone?” “The cardiac surgery team called me in. Might be something about Mr. Miyamura.” “But...” “Quit being so children. Morning and evening rounds are your responsibility.”


“Yes, sir.” “You’ve lost weight. I’d like you to stay on your heparin drip and keep taking nitorol. Let me know if anything comes up.” “Hey… Doc… Way back when my dad died in the hospital… They never really explained anything to us, you know. And doctors… doctors are scary. We couldn’t bring ourselves to ask them anything. Before I knew it, the funeral was over and my dad was nothing but bones. I’m headed down that road myself…” “Actually… You need surgery right away. The hospital is dragging its feet for its own selfish reasons. Your cirrhosis has worsened too, making surgery that much more dangerous… If I can speak frankly… there’s almost no likelihood of you surviving like this. And I... I don’t know what to do, either. I’m sorry.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「はっきりもうげて」 is 「はっきりもうげる」 with the te-form and means “clearly speaking” or “frankly speaking”. This is a formal style, but you can express that casually using 「はっきりって」.

きみしゃにはいていないな。」「だって…だって…。」「まあ、いいさ。どのみちきみはもう宮村みやむらさんにちかづけん…。* 明日あす宮村みやむらさんは外科げかびょうとううつことまったよ…。きみやく今日きょうわりだ…。」

“You’re not cut out to be a doctor.” “I just… I just...” “It doesn’t matter. You won’t be dealing with Mr. Miyamura anymore. He’ll be transferred to the surgical ward tomorrow. Your work here today is done.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

ちかづけん」 is a Japanese dialect and equivalent to 「ちかづけない (ちかづく with the negative-potential form)」. People who come from the west part of Japan sometimes use 「ん」 instead of 「ない」 like 「できない ⇒ できん」.



Your work here today is done.

(This sucks… I riled up Mr. Miyamura -- and for what? I ‘m power. I... )


“C’mon over! His majesty allows it!” “Enough already, please!” “Ha Ha Ha! You’re a fiery one… just the way I like em’. You really got me goin’, baby!”


“Ms. Akagi?” “Oh! Dr. Saito...” “Thanks again for yesterday. You really helped me out. Heading home? Oh, maybe not. You’re still in your whites.” “Ms. Akagi...” “Whoa! Er...”


“Now what? You write off your patient and wallow in self-loathing?” “Then you know what you have to do! Get started on Mr. Miyamura’s discharge papers… You’ve got to take him somewhere with better doctors.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「~じゃない」 is a Japanese sentence ending particle. The origin comes from a negative form like 「かねちじゃない (I’m not rich)」. Today this has multiple meanings, but in this context this expresses a nuance of a reminder.

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