Japanese Lessons: Learn Japanese Grammar with Manga 2-2-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 2-2-1 北三郎きたさぶろう / Saburo Kita

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

You can browse all of the pages by clicking the picture above and then move to any page via 「もく」 at the left. When you need English translations or explanations, please return here and refer them. This article covers from page 25 to page 44.

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation


“Listen, Eiroku’s surgical team isn’t actually all that good. If you’re serious about helping Mr. Miyamura, you should transfer him to more State-of-The-Art Hospital. You know that, right?” “...Yeah.” “But what you might not know… is that an Eiroku grad sending a patient to another hospital… would be like stabbing Eiroku in the back. I know this cardiac surgeon at a hospital about 2 hours away by train. He’s a real pro, a self-made surgeon with no clinical department ties. Kind of a “lone wolf”. He does an astounding 250 bypass surgeries a year-single-handedly. Makes Eiroku’s 12 look pretty pitiful, eh? What do you think? I’ll introduce you if you like.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

You can consider くらべものにならない as an i-adjective, which means “cannot be compared with” or “no match for”.


“I’m really sorry… But could you please lend me $300?” “Huh?” “I still have to file charts and prepare for the clinical conference. Even if I move fast, it’ll take 2 hours.” “Hey… What are you getting at, Dr. Saito? It’s 10:30. The trains won’t be running by the time I finish, and I only have $8.60 on me. I’ll pay it back, I promise! Please-- I need you to lend me cab fare to that hospital!” “Now you’re talking nonsense. I know I said I’d introduce you, but now? It’s late. maybe tom--” “There’s no time. Tomorrow they’re transferring Mr. Miyamura to surgery. Which means… I won’t be his doctor anymore. And it also means he’ll have his operation at Eiroku!” “No way. I can only take so much crazy. Aw, come on! Just quit giving me that look!”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

かんかん」 may look weird, but this expression is often used by native speakers. The rough meaning is that [Noun] is unusual/extreme. This time, she indicated that “the time is too late”. For another example, 「学校がっこう学校がっこうなので、」 indicates that “the school has something extreme”, so the following sentence could be like 「こくできない(I cannot be late)」. Maybe, the school has an extreme school rule. The particles work in a normal way, that is to say, も indicates “also” or “too”.


(I’m not betraying Eiroku. I just… I just want to help this man.)

1万いちまん4千円よんせんえんになります。」「駅前えきまえのKっていうスナックにいるってさ。ケータイで連絡れんらくれといたから。」 「いらっしゃいませぇー。*」 「え?ひとをさがしてる?北先生きたせんせい?ああ、あの人だよ!ほら…うたってるひと…。」

“That’ll be $140.” “He’ll be waiting in the K bar, by the station. I’ve already touched base with him.” “Good evening!” “Oh, you’re looking for someone? Dr. Kita? Sure. That’s him over there--the one singing.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「いらっしゃいませ」 is a Japanese typical greeting in commercial establishments, like “How may I help you”.

(*The lyrics)

あめ裏町うらまちとぼとぼと おれながしのギター

おひけえなすって まえギターひとつのわたどりにござんす

なさ横丁今晩よこちょうこんばんは おれながしのギター

おひかえなすって 前宿まえやどなしすずめながものにござんす

Hear me strollin’ down the lane

Steady backbeat from the rain

Guitar’s a Bird a-talkin’ flight

Listen to her song t’night

Hear me strollin’ down the street

Mercy there beneath my feet

Steady backbeat from the rain


(Huh? This is the surgical lone-wolf pro?)


“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Eijiro Saito, an intern at Eiroku University Hospital. Ms. Akagi sent me.” “So, you’re Saito. I’ve been singing that song here every night for years now. But never the same way twice. The heart’s like that, too. I’ve done thousands of surgeries, but no two hearts were ever the same. Pleasure is mine. Saburo Kita, Minami Rinkan Hospital.”


“I see… so you want me to operate on this Mr. Miyamura.” “Yes! I do! I’m so sorry to ask you outside of work--and at this late hour.” “Well, while I don’t mind a young man who’ll work for free… Keep this is mind: If you wouldn’t do this all again 5 years down the road, you’re just a fraud.” “Y-Yessir. And, uh...about this surgery...” “See, the brutal world of cardiac surgery demands so much of its results… Look at other surgeons. If you’re cutting out a tumor, say, the patient isn’t going to die on the table. Even if the surgery’s a huge failure, they’ll still wake up afterward. But in cardiac surgery? The slightest slip-up mid-operation and they die right in front of you. Say… do you know what’s most important in surgery?”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「…て + Noun」 has the same meaning as  「…という + Noun」, but sounds  a little casual.  This can describe what someone or something is known or referred as. For example, you can say 「これは納豆なっとう って / という ものだよ (This is a food called “Natto”)」. 「…て」 should usually be with 「っ」, but that can be omitted before 「ん」 like 「宮村みやむらさんてひと」.


“Technique?” “That’s the basics. Imagination is more important. The day before an operation, I picture it: Every little part of the process, from opening the patient’s chest to sewing it back up. Over and over I visualize this heart I’ve never even seen before. And when I do finally see it, it’s somehow different than I imagined it… Maybe I can’t find a blood vessel where it’s supposed to be. I start operating anyway, even without that blood vessel. The more time passes, the closer the patient is to death. But I’ve imagined those kinds of situations, too. It lets me keep things calm and nip panic in the bud. Soon the patient starts bleeding. They’re arrhythmic. If I give up now, the patient dies. I just want to run away, but I fight it. Hard. Turns out these old songs and surgery suit me pretty well. The most important of all is the power of self-control.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Kanji

つ」 is not frequently used in everyday life, but means “to overcome”.


(He’s nothing like the doctors at Eiroku. If I get this man to do it, Mr. Miyamura might live. If I put him in Dr. Kita’s hands… I’d like to see that!)


“Sir, please… Please, Dr. Kita! Won’t you perform Mr. Miyamura’s surgery?”

“I wish I could, but I can’t. I… I’ve given up the scalpel.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「An important tool (for a job) をく」 indicates “to retire from a job”. For example, 「バット(bat)をく」 indicates “to retire from a baseball player” and 「マイク(microphone)をく」 indicates “to retire from a singer”.

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