Japanese Lessons: Learn Japanese with Manga 2-4-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 2-4-1 ほうとう / The Tower of Anarchy

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack
Photo quoted from www.city.nanto.toyama.jp

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation

「おとうさーん、でんだよー。」「Oh, Yes ~~. Just a minute. すぐくべー。 」「はじめまして、永禄えいろく大学だいがくぞくびょういん心臓しんぞう外科げかものです。斉藤さいとうえいろうくんのおとうさんでいらっしゃいますね?突然とつぜんですが…えいろうくんとうびょういんかいされるかもしれません。」「クビ?」「ハラキリ?」「社会生活しゃかいせいかつ適合者てきごうしゃ?」「どういうこと、おとうさん?」「えいろうくんびょういんやめさせられるってかい…?*」「I don’t know… ”えいろうくんきんたい怠慢たいまんなので、あいによってはかいもある”と…。”おとうさんはちゅう学校がっこうえい先生せんせいでしたね。おなきょう育者いくしゃとしてなげかわしい。せっかくてん永大えいだいはいったのに、このままではいっしょうそこらのしょうびょういん一般いっぱんきんです。なおしょう学金がくきんせんまんえんかいになれば翌月よくげつから100ひゃくまんずつの返済へんさいですよ。” ……と。」

“Honey! Pho-one!” “Just a minute! I’ll be right there!” “This is the surgical department of Eiroku University Hospital. Is this Eijiro’s father? It appears that Dr. Saito may be dismissed from employment.” “Was he fired?” “Did he quit?” “Is he a social misfit?” “What’s going on? Did they make Eijiro resign?” “I don’t know… 'Dr. Saito has neglected his duties, so dismissal is an option. You’re a junior high English teacher, right? As a fellow educator, you must find the situation deplorable. Here he’d gotten into the mighty Eiroku, only to wind up stuck as a lowly clinic doctor. If he‘s dismissed, you’ll repay his $200K scholarship $10K at a Time.'”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression 

「かい」 is a Japanese sentence ending particle and expresses a question with a nuance that the speaker wants to confirm or identify something. This is usually used between close relationships.


“Hey, Saito! Your Mommy is on the phone!” “Mom… Try not to call me at the hospital, okay? Huh? Fired…?” “Your father’s sick with worry! What in blazes have you done!? I’ll believe you, my boy -- Whatever you say, I’ll believe you!”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「でちゅ」 is equivalent to 「です」, but only used toward a baby. When it’s used toward an adult, the speaker is making of him or her.


“Over here! Hurry! Don’t let anyone see you!” “You know… They’re talking about you. You let it slip to Mr. Miyamura that surgeries are too dangerous here. The cardiac surgeons are fuming! Your attending must have squealed to some nurse. The nurses are all saying you’ll be quitting Eiroku any day now.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Onomatopoeia

「カンカン」 is a Japanese onomatopoeia and expresses people’s anger or strong sunlight. This can be written in Hiragana and Katakana.


“Why would I do that? I may have told Mr. Miyamura the truth… but it was the truth, after all.” “Who cares if it was? Subvert their authority and you’re public enemy No.1.” “And if I quit, will that keep Mr. Miyamura alive?” “Look, just be more discreet, okay? If anyone finds out you went to an outside surgeon… They’ll run you out of here on a rail.” “Dammit…” “I’m sorry. I guess Dr. Kita didn’t take you up on your offer, huh?” “Do you know anyone else? Or anyone who might know anyone else? It’s just… It’s so frustrating. I can’t be a doctor to Mr. Miyamura anymore. Still… I absolutely won’t let him die!”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

「ぶちまけてしまいました」 is ぶちまける with しまう, the past tense, and the polite form. The verb means “to throw out everything” and can be used to confess something. This expression may be used by men more than women.




“Ow!" "That’s all for today.” “D-Doc… I, uh… How’s, uh… how’s my body... holding up?” 

“There have been definite physical changes arising from hypertension and hyperlipemia. Atherosclerosis has caused the wall of the left circumflex coronary artery and anterior descending artery to become arteriosclerotic and significantly obstructed, leading to angiopathy. Organic coronary stenosis accompanied by transient myocardial necrosis, and that’s comorbid with decompensated hepatic cirrhosis from alcoholic hepatopathy…” 

Did you get all that? You own a liquor store, was it? It’s not like you’re a doctor. I don’t know what that intern told you back there… but we don’t do surgeries for the fun of it. Each operation requires a surgical request form. The process begins when the patient requests surgery. In other words… We’re doing this because you asked us to. Just… don’t be too obvious in your gratitude. Your… donation can make all the difference. I’d say most patients offer... $1,000 or so? After all, who’ll be handling your heart? Us, that’s who.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「アンタ」 is equivalent to 「あなた」, but sounds rude. You cannot usually hear this in everyday life.


“Hello? I’m sorry to call out of the blue like this, but...” “Out of question! Eiroku is too intimidating. We could never poach one of their patients.” (Doctors… who are they here for, anyway? And the patients… who are they here for? If Mr. Miyamura dies because of Eiroku’s sloppy surgeries… Then this isn’t a civilized society. And if there’s no penalty for killing someone, then this isn’t a lawful country.)

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

げる」 is the humble of 「あたえる」 or 「やる」 and expresses respect for the receiver. This is usually used in formal situations.


After receiving a sufficient explanation, the patient has the right to accept or refuse treatment. The patient has the right to know his or her condition and to receive an explanation of treatment methods in words he or she can understand. The patient has feelings, and the right to be treated with respect. The physician’s attitude will remain unchanged regardless of the patient’s religion, nationality, political affiliation, or social standing. The physician will never accept monetary compensation apart from the prescribed treatment fees. The patient has the right to choose his or her own physician. (Excerpts from various World Medical Association documents)


“Time for rounds! Dr. Fujii’s rounds have begun!”

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