Japanese Lessons: Learn Japanese with Manga 2-5-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 2-5-1 弁明べんめい Justification

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

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Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation


”Everything seems fine, ma’am.” ”All thanks to your wise guidance, doctor. Praise be!” “Hey! There’s a commotion over in surgery!” “Mr. Miyamura!” “Please calm down! We can talk this over, Mr. Miyamura.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「ありがたや」 is a set phrase to pray. Today, in everyday life, this is sometimes used as a joking between close relationships.


“What’s going on?” “Seems my surgery doesn’t have much chance of being successful here… That’s what my intern told me. I don’t want to die. I’ll find myself a different hospital.” “Huh? What are you talking about!? Who the hell do you think you are?” “Hey! Stay out! Someone shut the door!” “Leave it. I’d like the other patients to hear this. Mr. Miyamura, your operation is indeed extremely risky. But the risk is the same no matter where you go. That’s how operations are. You seem to think we have poor surgical technique here. I’d like to know why you think that way.”(Damn… Mr. Miyamura’s trying to check out!)

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

ねがう」 is a formal word, however this phrase 「おかせねがいたい」 doesn’t sound very polite, though it sounds formal. In Japanese, the end of sentences is important. In this case, if you use the request and the polite form like this; 「おかせねがえませんか?」, it will certainly sound polite.


“You folks hardly ever do any surgeries, that’s like a cook who barely touches a cleaver.” “Aha… So you’d prefer somewhere with a few more surgeries under its belt. Very well. Go somewhere that performs more surgeries.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression:

In this phrase; 「そんなの 」, the topic particle は is omitted and the の works to replace a noun. Thus, if we plainly say that, it would be like 「そんなひとは」.


“Excuse me… Please let me through...”


“However, Mr. Miyamura… More surgeries do not make a better hospital. Those places aim to slice open as many patients as they can. They won’t spend any actual time with you. In short, it’s all about the money. Can doctors like that really provide quality care?”


(You’re wrong!)


“Japan’s medical system is unfair, you see. Surgical costs remain the same, no matter how many surgeons or who they are. Take your cardiac bypass surgery, for example: $8,540. How many of our surgeons perform that procedure? Ten! Now, what if we were only in this for the money? We’d reduce the number of surgeons, of course.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression.

「でしてな」 can be divided into two parts; 「でして」 which is です with te-from expressing a sequence of verbs or events and 「な」 which is a sentence ending particle expressing politeness (*This usage is only said by old men).


“Wrong again!”


“We cardiac surgeons are certified. We all have at least 6 years of surgical experience and at least 4 years in the association for thoracic surgery. But here in japan, anyone with a medical license can perform any old surgery. These schmucks from two-bit, fly-by-night med schools slice open patient after patient, day after day, like an assembly line. Almost like a fast food joint, in fact. So why don’t you give it. Just a little more thought...”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「ぞ」 is used with question words like 「だれ」 and 「どこ」. This can emphasize uncertainty, but is not used so often.


“You’re wrong!”

“Mr. Miyamura… If you want to check out, you should. I’ll find you a good hospital! So you go ahead and do what you want!” “It’s a little late for that… you’re all talk, you know that?” “Step aside. I know you’re not this man’s doctor anymore.” “Sir... Have you ever spoken with a doctor who performs over 200 operations a year?” “Step aside.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「たまえ」 is not used in everyday life nowadays. It’s 「たまう」 with the command form and can roughly be translated as “please”.


“Go on, get out of here already! Quit insulting the chief of cardio” “Because I have! I’ve talked to that doctor!” “Ah… So you’ve betrayed Eiroku and contacted an outside physician?” “Th- The doctor I met with… Dr. Saburo Kita… He’s definitely not in it for the money! Please… look outside… There’s so much more. There’s a whole world out there...” “You don’t belong at Eiroku University. Submit your resignation at once.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

「ごとき」 is explained by dictionaries like this; “like; as if; the same as”. However, this can be a very rude expression. For example, you can say like this; 「けんしゅうごときがけんうべきではない (you, like an intern, shouldn’t say your opinion)。」


“Now, Mr. Miyamura… What’s it going to be? Will you be leaving us?” “Who knows? I don’t know what I should believe anymore. Hey, doc… you ever cry when you lose a patient?” “If I did, I wouldn’t be a pro anymore.” “So that’s the mark of a pro? Indifference!?” “Sure, crying and forgiving yourself isn’t very professional… But… but...” “That’s enough. Why would you go this far for me? Who-- who are you to me, anyway?” “Mr. Miyamura?” “Dr. Saito… I trust you.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

教授きょうじゅ先生せんせい」 is actually wrong. You can use only one suffix for one person. So, it should be 「教授きょうじゅ」 or 「先生せんせい」. The author tried to express his big anxiety by making a mistake.

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