Japanese Lessons: Learn Japanese with Manga 2-8-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons with Manga 2-8-1 がっ Self‐Centered

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

You can browse all of the pages by clicking the picture above and then move to any page via 「もく」 at the left. When you need English translations or explanations, please return here and refer them. This article covers from page 157 to page 176.

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation

無理むりだ…。みずから*メスをてるような人間にんげんに…ふたたしゅじゅつしつかくなどない…。もう…おれしんじるのはやめてくれ…。」「いやです!失望しつぼうしたくありません。先生せんせい永大えいだい先生せんせいたちとはちがう…。そうおもったから ぼく先生せんせいしんじました。本当ほんとう患者かんじゃさんのことかんがえてるんだとおもったから…。これが現実げんじつなら…ぼくしゃになんかなりたくない…。先生せんせいまで患者かんじゃさんをてるなら…ぼくしゃになんてなりたくない!」「がっことばかりうな。いくら患者かんじゃのためとはいえ…」

“Impossible… A surgeon who’d choose to toss the scalpel aside... has no right to set foot in the OR... Please... stop relying on me.” “I won’t. I don’t want to be disappointed. You’re not like the doctors at Eiroku... That’s why I trusted you. Because I thought you put the patient first... But if this is what it’s like, then I don’t want to be a doctor. If someone like you can abandon a patient, then I don’t want to be a doctor. If someone like you can abandon a patient, then I don’t want to be a doctor!” “Stop being so selfish... even if it is all about the patient...”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「みずから」 is a formal word and means “I” and “myself.” This can indicate your voluntary will.


(The patient? That’s right... He’s doing all this for his patient. The selfish one here... is ME.)


“Dr. Saito... Are you sure you want to believe I can pick up the scalpel again? Still, no matter how much you trust in me… The human heart has double-crossed many a surgeon.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

The difference between 「心臓しんぞうってやつは」 and 「心臓しんぞうは」 is almost nothing in terms of the meaning. However, by describing a human heart like animated things, you can emphasize how uncertain it is.  


“Dr. Saito. I’d like to see Dr. Kita in the OR, too. But... medicine isn’t a game of chance. If anything happened, I’d never forgive you.”


“So now it’s off to dreamland… where I’ll stay while I’m on the table. Thanks, Doc. Thanks for putting up with my selfishness. When you think about it... There must be millions of people with this condition throughout Japan. How many of them were lucky enough to find a doctor they can trust? Yep, finding a good doctor... Everything hinges on that, doesn’t it.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

This is an expression technique. The sentence should have been like this 「オレのわがままにってくれてありがとう」. By making the order opposite, he emphasizes his appreciation.


“The existence of untrust-worthy doctors is a problem in itself.” “Ah, I’m satisfied. Even if the surgery is a failure... I’m just glad I met you.” “No... You have to live, or all this means nothing.” “See you later, Doc?” “Of course...”


“Long time no see... Ready to do this? ” “Let’s begin.”


(Control yourself... The cardiac OR: What happens inside is a mystery.)

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