Japanese Lessons: Learning Japanese with Manga 2-3-1

Manga: Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 2-3-1 さいひとしずく / The Last Drop

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

You can browse all of the pages by clicking the picture above and then move to any page via 「もく」 at the left. When you need English translations or explanations, please return here and refer them. This article covers from page 47 to page 66.

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation


“But why, Dr. Kita? If you performed the surgery, Mr. Miyamura might just make it. So tell me… Why don’t you do it? This man’s dying right before your eyes!”


“Forgive me.” “I’ve done thousands of surgeries in my day, but that’s not to say I’ve saved every patient. Taken to the extreme, it means these hands have taken life away.” “That’s going too far. Surely you’ve saved hundreds more than you’ve --”“I killed them. If I can’t recognize that, I’m not fit for medicine.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

You can express 「極論きょくろんすれば」 by this phrase; 「極論きょくろんえば」, too. You can see these both expressions in everyday life.


“One of my patients died just 2 weeks ago, in fact. A 72 years-old man. He died 2 days after surgery. The operation had gone well. The immediate cause of death was debris clogging a brain. But that patient was mine. We stopped his heart, put him on a heart-lung machine. It takes the place of the stopped heart and lungs, pumping oxygenated blood through the patient’s body. But a machine is a machine-- it’s not the real thing. The blood it pumps is different from its natural state. The flow dislodged some calcified debris from an arterial wall. It was like blasting a jet of water through an old sewer pipe. The debris traveled throughout the body… and stopped in the brain. And that’s how the old man died…

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「…ちまった」 is equivalent to 「…ちゃった」 or 「…しまった」 and expresses doing something unfortunately or unexpectedly.


I came here to sing that night, like always. I frankly didn’t think anything of it. I’ve done thousands of surgeries. 250 a year, 5 days a week. Shake it off, if you can, or you won’t move on. I stood up to sing my usual song in the usual way.”


“Come on Saburo! The song’s started!”


“But I just couldn’t. I couldn’t sing. I’d never even realized it myself… One failed surgery is a single drop. Another failure, another drop. See, there’d been something in my cup already… And on that day, it overflowed. I kept on working as a cardiac surgeon, swallowing my screams of terror. I was sure that if I saved more people. I could somehow make it up to the one’s I’d lost. I’m sorry. I can’t help you.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar

「…がな」 is a Japanese sentence ending particle and expresses a nuance of your wish that you want to make sure of something or question about something. This is usually used by males.


(The next day… Mr.Miyamura was transferred to the surgical ward. And I… I couldn’t even look him in the eye.)


“Well, there he goes. You’re not his doctor anymore. Time to change gears. We have a lot of work to do.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「~をえる」 is often used to encourage someone. We guess this is more frequently used with the te-form (request) than the imperative form like this 「気持きもち (feeling) をえて」 and 「あたま (mind) をえて」.


Time’s up. I… I can’t do anything for Mr. Miyamura!


“The surgery has been set for 8 AM on the 2nd. Try to remember.” “Mmm… Uh-huh...” “It’s not such a complex surgery, after all, and you’ll be in Dr. Fujii’s capable hands.” “Er… Uh… I-Is my ticker… gonna last th-that long?” “If we say it will, it will! Got that?” “You’re welcome to go elsewhere. If there’s anywhere else to go.” “Y-yessir… Thank... thank you.”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Expression

「あて」 means “something that can be relied upon.” This is used with a verb like this 「相談そうだんするあて」.


“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Saito. You did everything within your power as a doctor… Look, go get some sleep. Leave this paperwork to me.” “Dekune… How was Mr. Miyamura looking at me?” “Huh?” “Earlier, when he was transferred… Was he glaring at me?” “What? Don’t be ridiculous! He was looking at you with gratitude for doing your best to help him!” “He glared at me.” “Oh, so what if he did? If he wants to live, of course he’s gonna hate the ones who let him down!” “Mr. Miyamura hates me… We have that in common, at least.”


Mr. Miyamura, I can’t do anything more for you as a doctor. So now I’m in this as a human being!

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