Japanese Lessons: Read Japanese Manga with Furigana 1-4-2

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.

Japanese Lessons 1-4-2 夏雲 なつぐも/ Summer Clouds

A scene in Give My Regards to Black Jack

You can browse all of the pages by clicking the picture above and then move to any page via 「もく」 at the left. When you need English translations or explanations, please return here and refer them. This article covers from page 125 to page 142.

Japanese Script with Furigana and English Translation


“If isn’t Dr. Saito! Can I help you?” “P-Please… Please let me give Mr. Kaneko peritoneal dialysis and a blood transfusion. I’m begging you! We’ve got to put Mr. Kaneko back on life support!” “How many times do I have to tell you? Unnecessarily prolonging life is a social evil. You just want to convince yourself you’ve done everything you can. We don’t have the money to blow on your damn complacency!” “When I first saw you performing Mr. Kaneko’s surgery… I was moved. I thought “If I get sick, I want someone like Dr. Shiratori to operate on me.” What was going through your head during that operation?” If you figured he was going to die anyway, why did you take the time to do so well?” “I’m a surgeon. I take pride in my work.” “That’s why? Not because you wanted to save him!?

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

This is an advanced expression. The phrase;「大金たいきんとうじる」 is usually used with an objective related to something capital such as “land” “investment” and “education”. This time, the author used it for 「自己じこ満足まんぞく self-contentment」.


“True, Life-prolonging measures do jack up health-care costs. But if a patient has even a 1% chance of survival, we, doctors, try to save them!” “Quit talking like an amateur! Rinky-dink doctors like that will be the end of medicine as we know it.” “Then here is what I don’t understand. You performed a meaningless surgery. You drove up health-care costs.” “It’s not like I wanted to. I was following orders from my attending.” “Come on -- That’s a cop-out! What if your attending told you to eat shit?” “I’m prepared to do just that! One day I’ll be an attending here myself! And when I am, I’ll change this university... I’ll change every Eiroku-Affiliated Hospital in the nation… Then I’ll change the Japanese medical practice itself! And that, in the end, is the way to save more people! “I don’t want to hear your rationalization. Doctor… What about that patient? Don’t you... Don’t you want to save him!? I’ll resume transfusion and peritoneal dialysis. After all… I’m his doctor!”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar

「しょう?」 can be used for making a tag question. This is more polite than 「よね?」 and used in this way; 「今日きょうさむかったでしょう? It’s cold today, isn’t it?」. Please note: nuance of tag questions will depend on your intonation.


July 7. Mr. Kaneko is undergoing blood transfusion and peritoneal dialysis again.


“Come on, doctor! Grab that sheet properly! You, doctors, always leave everything for us, nurses, to do!” “Oh...”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary

「~なんだから」 indicates that you would like to insist something. This is usually used by women in this way; 「がんなんだから! You are so stubborn!」.


Soon after we resumed treatment, the old man’s family started coming by again. Dr. Shiratori, I don’t really know if Mr. Kaneko wants to live. But… I can tell his family really wants him to, at least. They truly do.


Toshio Kaneko, 75 years old at time of death. My first patient.


“Here, these are his belongings.” “Thank you so much.” ”I’m so sorry. If only there were more I could have done...” ”Doctor… When my dad feel ill, I wanted to do something to help, so I gave the attending a 10,000 dollars. But what if he wound up bedridden? We both work… I admit we had some concerns. So when you said you’d take him off life support, our guilty consciences kept us away from the hospital… Dad had a good death. Thank you… for seeing him through.” There is no good or bad way to die. Death is death… and I couldn’t save that patient. “Dr. Saito? How long are you going to keep doing this? You understand he is just the first in a long line of patients like him”

One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar

わたしする is the humble form of 「わたす」. The conjugation is like お + stem + する such as 「つたえる → おつたえする」 and 「はなす → おはなしする」. Although you are the subject in this sentence, you use Keigo (humble form) to express your respect to someone.


“Yes, hello. I was wondering if you had another part-time shift opening...”

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