Program: ウェザーリポート, Personality: 茂 ショウゴ
Japanese Script
さぁお天気、やっと回復しました。スカッと*1 晴れるようなこと、この後はあまりなさそうですが、日が差す時間もあって、天気の回復を実感できそうです。 週間天気予報を見てみますと、前線などの影響で、週末は曇りや雨が続いてムシムシ*2 とした体感となりそうです。えーただし、来週になると湿った空気は一旦後退し、カラッと*3 した暑さに戻ってきます。寒暖の差なども激しくなってきておりますので、引き続き体調管理は万全に行ってください。今日これからのお天気は晴れ時々曇り*4、明日木曜日のお天気は晴れ時々曇り、また寒暖の差も激しくなっています。寝る前など、ちょっと薄着で寝ちゃうと風邪引いちゃうってこともありますので、しっかりと体調管理、行ってください。以上、FMしまばらウェザーリポート、お天気情報をお送りしました。
English Translation
Title: Weather Report Personality: Shige Shōgo
Now the weather has finally recovered. Afterwards it seems that it will hardly be clear*1 , but there will be sunny hours too and we will be able to realize the weather has recovered. Looking at the weekly weather forecast, from the effect of a front it seems this weekend will be cloudy and rainy, and subsequently we will experience humidity*2. However, going into next week the moist air will temporarily retreat and dry*3 heat will return. Because the variation of hot and cold has become intense, please take all possible measures to continue to stay in good physical condition. Today’s weather from here-on-out is mostly to partly-sunny*4. Tomorrow, Thursday’s weather is mostly to partly-sunny, and the variation of hot and cold will be intense. You may catch a cold from sleeping lightly dressed, so please properly manage your physical condition before bed. That was the Shimabara FM weather report. The weather forecast was broadcasted.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
The three following words are Japanese onomatopoeias. They each have a unique meaning, so let’s explain them below:
1. The typical usage of 「スカッと」 is 「(気分が)スカッとする」, “to feel refreshed, good, or satisfied”. It describes a state in which unpleasant feelings are removed. It can also be used for other things. For example, the phrase 「スカッと晴れる」 emphasizes good, refreshing weather.
2. The origin of 「ムシムシ」 comes from the word 「蒸す」 or “to steam”. We can call a climate with heat and humidity 「蒸し暑い」 which indicates that it is hot as if you were being steamed. 「ムシムシ」 emphasizes humidity.
3. 「カラッと」 is used in the following ways; 「カラッと晴れる」 “to clear up”, 「カラッと乾く」 “to dry completely”, and 「カラッと揚がる」 “to deep-fry to a crisp”. This word indicates something with less moisture.
4. 「晴れ時々曇り」 literally means “sunny, sometimes cloudy”.