Program:思わぬ来客 Personality: 村上隆二
Japanese Script
え、この猪、体長はおよそ1メートル。え、施設の三階で見つかって、二階にあるスポーツ用品店に進入するなど、およそ40分にわたって施設内を駆け回ったということだそうです。昨日の朝10時半のことっていうことで、ま、開店してすぐの時間帯ですけど、まぁ*1 ビックリですよね。買い物して、こう、ね、フッって見ると、何か毛深いなって、「あれ!?」って思っ*2、「え?猪!?」みたいな、そんな感じですよね。で、あの、猪突猛進*3 ですから、バッてくるわけでしょ?スピード上げて。いっぺんにきますからね、これ気をつけないとほんと危ないですよ。ま、そういう、あの、変わったお客さんが、こう、入ってくると大変なことになってしまいますけど。まぁ*1、でも、こういうニュースってちょっと最近増えてきたなって感じがしますね、この数年を見てますとね。まぁ十分に、あの、我々も注意しなければなりません。まぁ島原*4 も、あの、山が近いですし、えー、そういったところから、まぁ*1、ひょっとしたら猿が降りてきてってことも、猪が降りてきてってこともありますんでね。意外とこれ、あの、よそ事ではないかなと思います。十分にご注意ください。
English Translation
Title: Unexpected Visitor Personality: Murakami Ryuji*1
Um, this boar’s length was roughly one meter. Um, it was found on the third floor of the establishment, and it entered a sporting goods store on the second floor. It was running around inside of the establishment for about 40 minutes. This was yesterday morning, at about 10:30, soon after the shop opened…anyway*1 it’s surprising. While shopping, to see it out of the corner of your eye, something hairy, and think*2, “What’s that?!” and have this feeling like “Huh? A boar?!” Um, because it’s reckless*3, it will suddenly accelerate and come to you, won’t it? Because it can about-face and come quickly, it’s really dangerous if you’re not paying attention to this. Well, this was kind of an unusual visitor, and it became a disaster when it entered. Well*1, nevertheless, I feel like this kind of news has increased recently, if we looked at these past several years. Well, um, we also must pay sufficient attention. Well, Shimabara*4 is also, um, close to the mountains, and because of this, well*1 it’s possible that monkeys have come down, and boars too have come down. This is not unexpected, um, and I think maybe it’s a matter that concerns us. Please pay sufficient attention.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
1. The phrase 「まあ」 has 3 functions; adverb, interjection, and filler phrase. In this broadcast the first one was used as an adverb, and the second and third ones were used as filler phrases.
2. This phrase should have been 「思って」, but he tried to express surprise by imitating that he could not help but exclaim.
3. A Japanese idiom. It means “rush recklessly or without thinking of the consequences”.
4. They are broadcasting this program in Shimabara peninsula.