Program: 女性の眉と日本経済 Personality: 村上隆二
Japanese Script
時刻は3時を過ぎています。7月26日、日曜日です。FMしまばらジュークボックス884、今日は台風情報を織り交ぜながら、お届けしております。いつもとちょっと番組の内容が一部、変わってるところもあります。ご了承ください。さて、えー、昔のテレビ番組、っといっても僕らがリアルタイム見てましたんで*1、ということは平成*2 入ってすぐ、え、1990年とか91年とかのものを今見てると、えっ!て思うようなものがあるんですよ。それは何かといいますと、眉毛*3。眉毛って意外と、女性の*4 眉毛って時代が分かりますよね。女性の眉が今、太くなってません?バブル*5 期以来、20数年ぶり、太眉が流行しています。景気がよくなると眉も太くなるという説が出るほどなんだそうですよ。
English Translation
Title: Women’s Eyebrows and the Japanese Economy Personality: Murakami Ryuji
The time is past 3 o’clock. It’s Sunday, September 26th. This is Shimabara FM Jukebox 884. We’re broadcasting today while interweaving typhoon news. There are some changes in a little part of the program’s normal content. Please be understanding. Well, um, old TV shows…oops I said “old”, but we were watching them in real-time*1. So in the ones from 1990-91, soon after entering the Heisei era*2, when we watch them today there is something making us think “what?” What that is, is “eyebrows”*3. We can unexpectedly identify which era it is by eyebrows, women’s eyebrows*4, can’t we? Aren’t women’s eyebrows thicker now? After the bubble*5, for the first time about in 20 years thick eyebrows are in vogue. It seems that a theory even emerged, which is when business is good, eyebrows become thicker.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
1. In the phrase 「リアルタイム見てましたんで」, the particle 「で」was omitted, which is sometimes happens in spoken Japanese even though it is a little bit strange. The correct phrase is 「リアルタイムで見てましたんで」.
2. The current era in Japan. This system numbers the years from the accession of the current emperor, who took the throne in 1989, or Heisei 1. e.g. 2015 is Heisei 27.
3. Between 「それは何かといいますと」 and 「眉毛」 there is a pause. He did it intentionally in order to emphasize the answer.
4. With the phrase 「眉毛って意外と、女性の眉毛って」, he forgot to mention 「女性の」, so he corrected himself.
5. I.e. economic bubble