Japanese Lessons: Wasabi Japanese Radio Podcasts 7-3

Program: あこがれの職業しょくぎょう Personality: Chiy Chiy

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script

今日きょうのテーマ、「あこがれ」というテーマでですね、おおくりしておりますが、はい。あこがれの職業しょくぎょうっていったらねぇ、むかしからいろいろありますけど。まえにね、たときにはどもたちがあこがれる、あこがれの職業しょくぎょうっていったら、あのー、ケーキさんとか、パティシエ?うん、ね、とか、おはなさんとか、まぁおとこだったらやっぱりスポーツ選手せんしゅとか?うん、そういうのがね、こうズラーっと*1 ならんでたなと。芸能人げいのうじんになりたいとか、警察官けいさつかんになりたいとかですね。かん護師ごしさんになりたい、いくさん、いくさん*2 になりたいとか。おしゃさんになりたい、学者がくしゃ学者がくしゃになりたいとか。ねぇ、いろいろあったとおもうんですよね。うん、それでですね、いまってどんなことが、ねぇ、にんなのかなと。どんな職業しょくぎょうあこがれの職業しょくぎょうっていうのがあるのかなぁとおもってですね、さっき、ちょっとね、てみたんですよ。

English Translation

Title: The Longed-for Occupation Personality: Chiy Chiy
We are broadcasting [this program] with the topic “longing” today. Yes. When we talk about longed-for occupations, there are many from the old days. When I looked it up before, when it comes to the longed-for occupations for children, wasn’t it something like a cake shop owner or a pastry chef? Yeah, or something like a florist, or of course if they’re a boy, something like an athlete? Yeah, those kinds of things are listed*1 . They wanted to become something like an entertainer, or a police officer. They wanted to become something like a nurse, or a childcare…a nursery school teacher*2. They wanted to become something like a doctor or a scholar, or a scientist. Hey, I think there were various kinds, weren’t there? Yeah then, now what kind of things are popular I wonder? I wondered what kinds of occupations or longed-for occupations there are. So I’ve briefly looked it up.

Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary

1. 「ズラーっと」 is a Japanese onomatopoeia which indicates several or many things listed in a row. You can see some images via this result of Google image search.

2. With this phrase, 「いくさん、いくさんになりたい」, she wanted to say 「いくさん」, but she made a mistake and corrected herself.

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