Japanese Lessons: Wasabi Japanese Radio Podcasts 8-1

Program: どうけんはだランキング Personality: 村上隆むらかみりゅう

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script

12じゅうに1いっぷんもなく、なるところです。島原しまばらしらまちFえふMえむ島原しまばらのスタジオから生放送なまほうそうで、わたくし村上隆むらかみりゅうがおおくりしているジュークボックス8はち8はち4よんです。おてん、パッと*2 しませんがちだけはしっかり、スッキリ*3 いきたいものです。さて、女性じょせいかた、おはだぶん状態じょうたいになりますよね。全国ぜんこくで、この、はだを、うつくしさを*4 ランキングにしてしまっている*5 ところがあります。粧品会社しょうひんがいしゃのポーラ、先日せんじつ、この女性じょせいはだうつくしさを、えー、はだうつくしさをじゅん位付いづけした肌県はだけんグランプリのけっ発表はっぴょうされました。いちしまけん去年きょねんつづいていちだそうです。

English Translation

Title: Prefecture*1 Skin Ranking Personality: Murakami Ryuji
Soon it will be 12:01. From Shimabara FM’s studio in Shirachi district in Shimabara city, I, Murakami Ryuji, am broadcasting Jukebox 884 live. The weather isn’t clear*2, but I want to keep feeling quite fresh*3 at least. Now, for women; skin…your condition, you care about it, right? [There is a company] which has done a ranking of beauty*5 of skin from all over the country*4. A few days ago, the cosmetic company “POLA”, for these women’s skins’ beauty, um… announced the results of the Beautiful Skin Prefecture Grand Prix which shows a rank of skin’s beauty. First place was Shimane Prefecture. It was consecutively awarded first place from last year.

Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary

1. Literally To, dō, fu, ken; the four types of prefectures in Japan.

The two following words are Japanese onomatopoeias. They each have a unique meaning, so let’s explain them below:

2. The typical usage of 「パッと」 is 「パッとしない」"undistinguished", "inconspicuous", "unspectacular", or "unsatisfactory". It is often used in negative expressions such as 「パッとしない成績せいせき」, 「パッとしないてん」and「パッとしない服装ふくそう」.
3.「スッキリ」indicates a state feeling refreshed or being neat. The typical usage is 「スッキリした」 “I’m refreshed” and 「スッキリしない」 “I’m not refreshed”. It can be used not only for feelings but also for things like 「文章ぶんしょうをスッキリさせる」 “to make your writing organized” or 「部屋へやをスッキリさせる」”to make your room tidy and in order” or “to dispose of something unnecessary in your room”.

4. This phrase, 「はだを、うつくしさを」 is an advanced expression. The correct sentence is 「はだうつくしさを」. However by making 「はだ」 an object with 「を」, it is quite emphasized.

5. The phrase 「しまう」, which is the origin of the inflection 「しまっている」, usually indicates unsatisfactory results which have taken place unintentionally. However, by intentionally using this phrase, he expresses how the ranking is surprising.

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