Program: 秋のイベント Personality: 茂 ショウゴ
Japanese Script
ま、僕みたいにね、夏太り*1で4キロ太ったから、食欲の秋*1です。あぁ違うごめんなさい。スポーツの秋*1、言いますからね。ちょっと体を動かそうかなっと思われてる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんね。ぜひあなたのこの秋、始めてみようと思っていること、メッセージお寄せください。ファックス番号 62-0884、62-0884、Emailアドレスは、、、こちらでお待ちしております。ねぇ、ま、元から丸々、元からってことはないですけどね*2。丸い体型だったんですが、夏も後半になってくると、あれって、靴下履く時に、なんか履きにくいぞ、というのをね、さらに感じるようになったんですがね。そうこう、身になったものを少しずつ落としていかなきゃいけないな、と感じております。
English Translation
Title: Autumn Event Personality: Shige Shōgo
In my case, I gained 4 kilos during the summer, so this autumn is one for appetite. Ah, that’s not right, sorry. [It should have been] one for sports. There might be some people that think we should move our bodies a little. Please tell us what you would like to begin this autumn via message. Our fax number is 62-0084 62-0884. Our Email address is, that’s We’ll be waiting here. Well, I have been chubby originally,oh,not originally*2. Anyway, I’ve been chubby. Then, when it became the second half of summer, I was like “what?” When I wore socks, I started feeling that wearing socks was more difficult than before. So…so this did me good, and I’m feeling like I must work to drop weight little by little.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
1. 「夏太り」, 「食欲の秋」, and 「スポーツの秋」 are all Japanese idioms. Japanese people like to connect something with the seasons. For example, 「スポーツの秋」 has the connotation that in autumn the temperature becomes comfortable and it motivates people to play sports.
2. Concerning the sentence 「元から丸々、元からってことはないですけどね」, this is a joke which he often uses. You can think of it like this; he says 「元から丸々」 but corrects himself in the latter sentence. Incidentally, he was chubby originally.