Program: 秋のイベント Personality: 茂 ショウゴ
Japanese Script
さぁ秋といいますとやっぱり秋祭り。そして島原の秋といいますと、そう、島原温泉不知火祭りですよ。いろんな所にちょっと遊びに行ったりしますとね、やっぱりミス島原の話題っていうのが多くあがってきます。え、現在今年行われます、この島原温泉不知火祭り、ミス島原募集しております。えー10月19日土曜日、島原城薪能*1、そして20日日曜日、市中パレード、これが盛大に開催されます。今年も祭りの華として、ミス島原二名、選奨*2 いたします。応募資格は満18歳以上の未婚の女性。そして三市、島原半島に在住している方、また過去にミス島原に選奨された方以外となっています。これ年齢上限ないということですからね。ぜひラジオをお聞きのあなた、あなた、あなた、応募されてみてはいかがでしょうか。応募の締め切りは今月24日火曜日、当日の消印までの有効となります。
English Translation
Title: Autumn Event Personality: Shige Shōgo
Well, talking about autumn, as expected, there are autumn festivals. Now, talking about Shimabara’s autumn, as you know there’s the Shimabara Hot Spring Shiranui Festival! While I’m dropping in at various places, and as expected there has been a lot of talk about the topic of Miss Shimabara. Um, this Shimabara Hot Spring Shiranui Festival will be held this year, and they’re taking applications for Miss Shimabara. Um, Saturday October 19th there’s Shimabara Castle bonfire nō*1, and on Sunday the 20th there’s the parade in the city. This will be held magnificently. This year also for the festival symbol, two people will be selected*2 for Miss Shimabara. The entry requirement is an unmarried woman at least 18 years or older. Those currently in Shimabara Peninsula three cities can become Miss Shimabara, except for people who were selected in the past. There is no upper age limit. Certainly, those of you listening to the radio, you…you, why don’t you try entering? The entry deadline is Tuesday, the 24th of this month, and will be valid until the day of the postmark.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
1. 「能」 is the oldest type of Japanese musical theater. 「薪能」 or “bonfire nō”, is a variation of this preformed outside at night by the light of burning torches.
2. 「選奨」 is a formal word which is seldom used in everyday life. He misused this word. The correct meaning is “to recommend”, but he used it for “to select”.