A gang of Japanese taiko drummers seems to have taken over your chest. Or maybe it’s just a slight flutter of butterfly wings in your stomach. Fear is just excitement in disguise. You are determined to step onto that plane bound for Japan. But wait! How will you communicate? No worries. See below for the 10 Plus Japanese phrases you need to know. You don’t even need to memorize them. Jot down the words on your iPhone Notes!
Your flight attendant will speak some English. Once you land in Narita or Haneda (in Tokyo) or Kansai or Itami (in Osaka) or the New Chitose Airport (in Sapporo), you’ll want to say hello or good evening. Maybe you’ll meet a cute guy or gal, you’ll want to know if they are saying hello or goodbye! Right?
Greetings | 挨拶 |
Hello | こんにちは |
Good evening | こんばんは |
Goodbye | さようなら |

Once you’ve cleared customs, you may need a few directions.
Excuse me but where is… | すみませんが________はどこですか。 |
Excuse me but where is the restroom? | すみませんがお手洗いはどこですか。 |
Excuse me but where is the train station? | すみませんが駅はどこですか。 |
Note 1: You get a zillion gold stars if you use “sumimasen-ga” (excuse me) before asking anything. It’s a true mark of one who is sensitive to Japanese culture and tradition.
Note 2: Refer to Midori app or another Japanese-English dictionary for the place or object you’re looking for. Sandwich the word between sumimasen-ga and doko-desu-ka?
Note 3: Remember “doko-desu-ka” (where is it?) and you can always point at an address written in Japanese for you by a friend or hotel concierge.

Directions | 方向 行き方 |
Right | 右 |
Left | 左 |
At the end of the street (corridor) | 突き当たり |
This side | 手前 |
Street | 道 |
Opposite side | 反対側 |
No shame either in asking twice or requesting that your helpful friend slow down.
Replies | 答え |
One more time please. | もう一度お願いいたします。 |
A little more slowly please. | もうちょっとゆっくりに話してください。 |

Many Japanese (if not rushing off to work or an appointment) may offer to take you to the tourist spot or temple or train station. Even if you want to grab them by the arm and yell, “Yes, please!” Best PC reply is 本当に大丈夫ですか。(Is it really all right?)
Now you can say, お願いします。(Yes, please.)
ご親切どうもありがとうございます。(Thank you for your kindness.)
P.s. When the lovely McDonald’s lady brings your Mega Tamago to the take-out window, you can simply say どうもありがとう。(Thank you.) What is a Mega Tamago?
Basically a super delicious BLT with fried eggs and cheese.
Just in case you explore eateries other than McDonald’s or KFC…
Just in case you’ve been a tad too adventurous, here are a few health terms.

Health | 健康 |
Are you well? | 元気ですか。 |
(I'm) not feeling well. | 具合が悪いです。 |
Pharmacy | 薬局 |
Medicine | 薬 |
I understand. | わかりました。 |
The Wasabi team definitely wishes only good health during your trip. We wish that your time in Japan will be spent soaking in the vast array of beauty, culture and supercool sights.
Here are a few terms to help you express your joy!
Wow! (Amazing!) | すごい! |
Wonderful! (Splendid!) | 素晴らしい |
Lovely, beautiful | 素敵 |
Cute | 可愛い |
Fun (also Interesting) | 面白い |
Good luck & Go For It!!!頑張って!!!
- Next Lesson: Secrets to Shopping in Japan
- Previous Lesson: The Truth About Japanese Animal Cafés
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