The Most Effective Japanese Pronunciation Lessons
Material Information
Name | Wasabi's Japanese Pronunciation Lessons |
Level | All Levels |
Lesson Number | 27 |
Total Time | 72 minutes |
Contents | 1. Japanese Vowels 2. Japanese Consonant 3. Exceptional Sounds |
Translation | English |
How to Use | Wasabi Original Method |
If you would like to utilize your mobile devices or hear them off-line, you can download them via the following URL. Additionally, we have labeled the audio files as follows: “vowels” as “V”, “consonants” as ”C”, and “exceptional sounds” as “E”. For example, if you would like to hear the audio for い, please use No. V02.
Download Links (*ZIP files)
Japanese Vowels |
Japanese Consonants |
Exceptional Sounds |
Program Table of Japanese Pronunciation Lessons
Japanese Vowels
Japanese Consonants
- [k] [g] か き く け こ、が ぎ ぐ げ ご
- [s] [z] さ す せ そ、ざ ず ぜ ぞ
- [ɕ] [ʑ] し、じ
- [t] [d] た て と、だ で ど
- [tɕ] ち
- [ts] つ
- [n] な ぬ ね の
- [ɲ] に
- [h] は へ ほ
- [ç] ひ
- [ɸ] ふ
- [b] [p] ば び ぶ べ ぼ、ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ
- [m] ま み む め も
- [j] や ゆ よ
- [ɾ] ら り る れ ろ
- [w] わ
Japanese Exceptional Sounds
- [m] [ŋ] [N] [n] ん
- [kj] [gj] きゃ きゅ きょ、ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ
- [bj] [pj] びゃ びゅ びょ、ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ
- [mj] みゃ みゅ みょ
- [ɾ j] りゃ りゅ りょ
- っ、-、ん
We have adopted the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in our Japanese pronunciation lessons. Some of the symbols such as [ɕ] and [ɸ] are probably unfamiliar with learners. Thus, we have clarified them by corresponding to roman letters in each page like this; “[ɕ] representing the sound of the roman letter /sh/”. Similarly, in the following table, [] shows the IPA and // shows roman letters. It’s read from top to bottom and right to left.
Hiragana with the International Phonetic Alphabet and Roman Letters | ||||||||||||||
わ [wa] /wa/ |
ら [ɾa] /ra/ |
や [ja] /ya/ |
ま [ma] /ma/ |
ぱ [pa] /pa/ |
ば [ba] /ba/ |
は [ha] /ha/ |
な [na] /na/ |
だ [da] /da/ |
た [ta] /ta/ |
ざ [za] /za/ |
さ [sa] /sa/ |
が [ga] /ga/ |
か [ka] /ka/ |
あ [a] /a/ |
り [ɾi] /ri/ |
み [mi] /mi/ |
ぴ [pi] /pi/ |
び [bi] /bi/ |
ひ [çi] /hi/ |
に [ɲi] /ni/ |
ぢ* [zi] /di/ |
ち [tɕi] /chi/ |
じ [ʑi] /zi/ |
し [ɕi] /shi/ |
ぎ [gi] /gi/ |
き [ki] /ki/ |
い [i] /i/ |
る [ɾu] /ru/ |
ゆ [ju] /yu/ |
む [mu] /mu/ |
ぷ [pu] /pu/ |
ぶ [bu] /bu/ |
ふ [ɸu] /fu/ |
ぬ [nu] /nu/ |
づ* [zu] /du/ |
つ [tsu] /tsu/ |
ず [zu] /zu/ |
す [su] /su/ |
ぐ [gu] /gu/ |
く [ku] /ku/ |
う [u] /u/ |
れ [ɾe] /re/ |
め [me] /me/ |
ぺ [pe] /pe/ |
べ [be] /be/ |
へ [he] /he/ |
ね [ne] /ne/ |
で [de] /de/ |
て [te] /te/ |
ぜ [ze] /ze/ |
せ [se] /se/ |
げ [ge] /ge/ |
け [ke] /ke/ |
え [e] /e/ |
を* [o] /o/ |
ろ [ɾo] /ro/ |
よ [jo] /yo/ |
も [mo] /mo/ |
ぽ [po] /po/ |
ぼ [bo] /bo/ |
ほ [ho] /ho/ |
の [no] /no/ |
ど [do] /do/ |
と [to] /to/ |
ぞ [zo] /zo/ |
そ [so] /so/ |
ご [go] /go/ |
こ [ko] /ko/ |
お [o] /o/ |
*We divided our pronunciation lessons based on how your tongue and mouth are moved. ぢ, づ and を are omitted because they are the same movement as じ, ず and お respectively.
Exceptional Sounds with the International Phonetic Alphabet and Roman Letters | |||||||||||
ん |
りゃ [ɾja] /rya/ |
みゃ [mja] /mya/ |
ぴゃ [pja] /pya/ |
びゃ [bja] /bya/ |
ひゃ* [ça] /hya/ |
にゃ* [ɲa] /nya/ |
ちゃ* [tɕa] /cha/ |
じゃ* [ʑa] /zya/ |
しゃ* [ɕa] /sha/ |
ぎゃ [gja] /gya/ |
きゃ [kja] /kya/ |
ー | りゅ [ɾju] /ryu/ |
みゅ [mju] /myu/ |
ぴゅ [pju] /pyu/ |
びゅ [bju] /byu/ |
ひゅ [çu] /hyu/ |
にゅ [ɲu] /nyu/ |
ちゅ [tɕu] /chu/ |
じゅ [ʑu] /zyu/ |
しゅ [ɕu] /shu/ |
ぎゃ [gju] /gyu/ |
きゅ [kju] /kyu/ |
っ | りょ [ɾjo] /ryo/ |
みょ [mjo] /myo/ |
ぴょ [pjo] /pyo/ |
びょ [bjo] /byo/ |
ひょ [ço] /hyo/ |
にょ [ɲo] /nyo/ |
ちょ [tɕo] /cho/ |
じょ [ʑo] /zyo/ |
しょ [ɕo] /sho/ |
ぎょ [gjo] /gyo/ |
きょ [kjo] /kyo/ |
*For the same reason as above, しゃ, じゃ, ちゃ, にゃ, and ひゃ line are omitted because they are the same movement as し, じ, ち, に and ひ respectively.
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