Last time, you learned how to express quotations and definitions, e.g. “ボブは日本語が上手いと聞いた (I heard that Bob is good at Japanese).” However, if you would like to say “I heard that Bob speaks Japanese better than John,” what should you do? In this lesson, you will learn how to express comparison.
Explanation for How to Express Comparison in Japanese
Table of Contents When Comparing Two Items When Comparing Three Items or More Comparison with Numerals and Adverbs |
This is actually an easy topic when learning Japanese. In English, you express comparison by conjugating adjectives (like “easier”) or placing “more” before adjectives. In Japanese, you don’t have to conjugate anything. We express comparison by adding a few key words. Let’s check how it works.
When Comparing Two Items
ボブは | ジョンより | 日本語が | 上手い(です) |
Topic/Subject | Target of Comparison | Object of Potential | Predicate |
Bob is better at Japanese than John. |
This is a basic sentence pattern. You first set a topic by using the particle は, then you place a target of comparison with より, which you can roughly consider as “than” in English. The order of the より part is sometimes changes, but the meaning remains the same. In the above example, we’ve used adjectives, but you can also use other parts of speech if they have degree.
ボブはジョンより早く(泳げる / 泳げます)。 Bob can swim faster than John. |
ボブは単語をジョンより知って(いる / います)。 Bob knows vocabulary more than John. |
暑いのは寒いのより好き(だ / です)。 As for being hot, [I] like [it] more than being cold. |
大変なのは楽なのより楽しい(です)。 Being hard is more fun than being easy. |
People sometimes attach も to より, but the meaning won’t change.
ボブはジョンよりも早く(泳げる / 泳げます)。 |
ボブは単語をジョンよりも知って(いる / います)。 |
暑いのは寒いのよりも好き(だ / です)。 |
大変なのは楽なのよりも楽しい(です)。 |
When you use the negative form, you have to use ほど instead of より.
ボブはジョンほど背が高く(ない / ありません)。 Bob is not taller than John. |
ボブはジョンほど真面目じゃ(ない / ありません)。 Bob is not more serious than John. |
However, if there is a clear distinction, you should use affirmative sentences with the antonyms.
ボブはジョンより背が低い(です)。 Bob is shorter than John. |
ボブはジョンより不真面目(だ / です)。 Bob is less serious than John. |
ボブの方が | ジョンより | 日本語が | 上手い(です) |
Subject | Target of Comparison | Object of Potential | Predicate |
Bob is better at Japanese than John. |
If you use the particle が, you have to place の方 after nouns. When you use adjectives, you can just place 方 after i-adjectives and な方 after na-adjectives. The example above plainly compares the ability between Bob and John. By contrast, if you use the topic particle は, it means to compare them while treating Bob as a basis.
ボブの方がジョンより年上(だ / です)。 Bob is older than John. |
ボブの方がジョンより一生懸命勉強して(いる / います)。 Bob is studying harder than John. |
辛い方が甘いのより好き(だ / です)。 [I] like spicy (things) more than sweet (things). |
賑やかな方が静かなのよりいい(です)。 Being lively is better than being quiet. |
The difference between the two sentence patterns will appear in two situations. The first is to respond to wh-questions. For reference, when you ask, “Who is younger, Bob or John?” you have two options: ボブとジョンでは which is expressed by the combined particle (Range and Topic) and ボブとジョンの which is expressed by the particle の (Explanation). The complete sentences are below.
ボブとジョンではどちらが年下(ですか)? As for Bob and John, who is younger? |
ボブとジョンのどちらが年下(ですか)? Who is younger, Bob or John? |
When it comes to the responses, の方が…より is more suitable than は…より because the particle が has the function to identify something. Be careful; the …より part is often omitted.
ジョンの方が [ボブより] 年下(だ / です)よ。 John is younger [than Bob]. |
The second situation is to make negative sentences. With the sentence pattern: の方が…より, negative sentences don’t sound very natural. You should use affirmative sentences. The following examples express the same thing, but the one below sounds more natural.
ボブの方がジョンより年下じゃ(ない / ありません)。 => Unnatural |
ジョンの方がボブより年下(だ / です)。 => Natural |
ダンは / が | ジョンと同じくらい | 日本語が | 上手い(です) |
Topic / Subject | Target of Comparison | Object of Potential | Predicate |
Dan is as good at Japanese as John. |
This sentence pattern can express that there is not a difference between two items. …と同じくらい can roughly be translated “A is as _____ as B.”
ダンはジョンと同じくらいマンガが好き(だ / です)。 Dan likes manga as much as John does. |
ダンはジョンと同じくらいゆっくり(歩く / 歩きます)。 Dan walks as slowly as John does. |
When Comparing Three Items or More
ボブは / が | 3人の中で | 一番 | カッコいい(です) |
Topic / Subject | Range | Adverb | Predicate |
Bob is coolest of the three people. |
You can roughly consider this sentence pattern (の中)で一番 as “-est” or “most” in English. Grammatically speaking, の中 should be omitted when used with nouns which indicate locations and shouldn’t be omitted when used with nouns which indicate a number or an amount. However, practically speaking, people use both of them in either situation.
私が一番やる気があると(思う / 思います)。 [I] think I have the highest motivation. |
ジョンが3人の中で一番努力して(いる / います)。 John is making efforts the most of the three people. |
中国は世界で一番人口が多い(です)。 As for China, the population is largest in the world. |
If you replace 一番 with 最も, your speech sounds more formal.
私が最もやる気があると(思う / 思います)。 |
ジョンが3人の中で最も努力して(いる / います)。 |
中国は世界で最も人口が多い(です)。 |
Comparison with Numerals and Adverbs
寿司は天ぷらより少し高い(です)。 Sushi is a little more expensive than tempura. |
寿司は天ぷらより100円高い(です)。 Sushi is 100 yen more expensive than tempura. |
This expression is applicable when comparing two items. By placing numerals or adverbs just before predicates, you can express comparison in detail.
Advanced Topic: Three Differences in Nuance
Suppose that Sushi costs $101 and Tempura costs $100. We believe that the prices are really high. Then, we can say that there are three different points of view.
- Plainly compare the two items without considering the high prices.
- Although both of them are expensive, Sushi is more expensive.
- Although both of them are not cheap, Tempura is cheaper.
The reason we’ve categorized them in this way is because you have to use different adverbs depending on the point of view. The following adverbs are typical ones for the usages.
- 寿司は天ぷらより少し高い。=> No indication
- 寿司は天ぷらより もっと・さらに 高い。=> Indicates both are expensive
- 天ぷらは寿司よりまだ安い。 => Indicates both are not cheap
- は…より(も) compares two items while treating one of them as a basis.
- の方が…より(も) compares two items without a basis.
- …と同じくらい expresses A is as _____ as B.
- …(の中)で一番 expresses "-est" or "most."
Although we have explained how to express comparison so far, there is actually no new grammar for you. If you know the usage of Japanese adverbs and numerals, our explanation should come easily to you. Now, you know how Japanese comparison works. Next, you will learn expressions related to numbers and amounts like “only” and “too much.”