Japanese Lessons 1-1-1 研修医の夜 / Night of the Intern
*These Japanese lessons are created based on the Terms of Use of the Copyrights of them; TITLE: Give My Regards to Black Jack, AUTHOR: Shuho Sato, and WEBSITE: Manga on Web.
Japanese Lessons 1-1-1 研修医の夜 / Night of the Intern

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Japanese Script with English Translation
“8000… Every year 8000 students graduate from the 81 medical universities in this country. And, of those 8000, you are the top eighty! Japan’s medical future rests in your hands!”
One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary
「背負う」 literally means “carry something on one’s back or shoulder”. However, it is often used for something responsible such as 「日本 (Japan) を背負う」 「借金 (debts) を背負う」 and 「未来 (future) を背負う」。
“You look pretty sleepy, Saito.” “Yeah, I just got off my shift. I’ve been here over 24 hours since yesterday morning.” “Yeah, me too. Helping out with the doctor’s experiments... I only slept 3 hours…” “Then, I win. I only slept 2 hours!”
One Point Lesson: Japanese Expressions
「~ねえ」 is a masculine expression and the same meaning as 「~ない」. This is very casual tone and often used everyday life, like for instance 「このテレビ、面白くねえ。」.
It’s been 3 months since I graduated from Eiroku University, and currently I am working as an intern at the university’s hospital.
“Shluuuuuurp.” “Come on, Saito! Don’t make that kind of face every time you give an injection!”
One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary
「イチイチ」 is always used for negative expressions.
Interns are basically apprentices. To become a doctor, we need to study at a medical university for 6 years and then pass the national medical practitioners qualifying examination. But the national medical practitioners qualifying examination only tests medical knowledge. There is no practical exam! That’s why most graduates spend the next 2 years as an intern at a university hospital.
One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary
The typical usage of 「など」 is “et cetera”, and “or something”. Here, it is used as something like “the like of”. 「など」 can be used for negative expressions.
“Widen the incision, Saito.” “Yes, Sir!”
One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar
If we plainly said this phrase 「何言ってんだよ」, it would be like 「何を言っているのだよ」. In spoken Japanese, particles are often omitted. For example, 「ご飯食べたい」 is also very natural, even though 「ご飯を食べたい」 is grammatically correct.
On average, interns work about 16 hours a day. My monthly salary is an astounding… 459 US dollars! Not my daily salary. My monthly Salary. That doesn’t mean my hospital’s treatment is bad. It seems public hospitals, pay a little more, but roughly 70% of interns at private university hospitals make under $1200 a month. Obviously no one could live off a salary like that with food and rent to pay for. So…
One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary
「国立」 and 「私大」 are a contracted form of 「国立大学 (public university)」 and 「私立大学 (private university)」 respectively.
“Well then, Mr. Saito, starting today, you will be starting a part-time shift at this hospital. Eijiro Saito, 25 years old, graduated from Eiroku University’s medical department. This will be your first time on duty… Well… from Eiroku, huh? So you’re one of the elite.” “Yes, sir! I will try my best not to soil Eiroku’s fine reputation!” “Since today is your first day, we also have someone else on duty. Ask him how things work around here. Glad to have you on board.
One Point Lesson: Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese has 3 words; きく related to “listening”. 「聞く」 is the most general one and has comprehensive meanings. 「聴く」 means more carefully listening than 「聞く」 and so it is often used for listening to music or presentations. And 「訊く」 means “ask” or “inquire”, but it is seldom used nowadays. 「聞く」 can be substituted for 「訊く」 today.
This is the reality of being an intern.
“Pleased to meet you! I’m Saito and I’m here from Eiroku as a part-time doctor. Um, I, uh… I’m Saito from Eiroku. I’m here for the short.” “Eat.. eat when you can eat. And sleep. Sleep when you can sleep.”
One Point Lesson: Japanese Cultures
When it comes to self-introductions in Japan, Japanese people usually say an organization’s name to which you belong first and then your name. Please note: he emphasizes the name of the university too much this time.
Seido Hospital, 120 beds, a pretty large hospital… taking on the majority of the area’s residents… hmm. Three doctors, the first person I met was the hospital director and that last guy was Mr. Ushida. Tonight it’s just me and Mr. Ushida.
“Aaahhh! Please! Help me!!” “Hurry! It’s going to be a war zone in there.” “Yes, sir!” “Patient is a 20 year old male! He fell off his motorcycle roughly 30 minutes ago. His leg is shattered!” “Get me his blood count, blood type, and a comprehensive chemical breakdown! Start! And bring me 10 packs of PRBCS. Eiroku Grad! Give him a lactec injection and 1000 milligrams of hydro-condone! Hurry it up, Eiroku!! Then, when you’re done, crossmatch his blood!
*Note: you don’t have to understand the medical vocabulary, just feel the how serious it is.
One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar
If we plainly said this phrase 「いてーよ」, it would be like 「痛いよ」. This flection can be used by men and often seen in spoken Japanese such as 「したい → してえ」. If you were confused with 「してー」 vs. 「してえ」, please read them out. Since this is a spoken language, you will realize there is no difference.
“Sorry… I wasn’t able to help at all in there.” “You are not got time to be depressed. The night is just starting.”
One Point Lesson: Japanese Grammar
As is similar to the above, if we plainly said this phrase 「ねーぞ」, it would be like 「ないぞ」. This flection can be used by men and often seen in spoken Japanese such as 「来ないよ → 来ねぇぞ」. If you were confused with 「ねーぞ」 vs. 「ねぇぞ」, please read them out. Since this is a spoken language, you will realize there is no difference.