Japanese Lessons: Wasabi Japanese Radio Podcasts 12-1

Program: 日本にほんのおじいちゃん、おばあちゃん Personality: しげ ショウゴ

Slow Speed
Slow Speed with Pauses
Natural Speed
Natural Speed with Pauses

Japanese Script

今日きょう敬老けいろう、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんと一緒いっしょごされているかたおおいのではないんでしょうかね。えーまた敬老けいろうということで、かく地区ちくでもこの敬老会けいろうかい*1 もよおものっていうのもおおおこなわれているみたいですので、そこにさんされているかたももちろんいらっしゃるでしょう。ま、おやでのいろんなもよおものひらかれているかとおもわれます。え、そしてになるのがやっぱり、この「長寿ちょうじゅ*2 ですよね。ま、この敬老週間けいろうしゅうかん*3 にあわせて、けん長寿社会ちょうじゅしゃかい発表はっぴょうしたとし長寿者ちょうじゅしゃ状況じょうきょうですが、長崎県ながさきけんない最高齢さいこうれい109ひゃくきゅうさい諫早いさはやかたです。え、女性じょせいかたですね。そして男性だんせいでは長崎ながさき109ひゃくきゅうさいおなじく109ひゃくきゅうさい、で第1だいいちなんだそうです。じゃあこの島原半島しまばらはんとう*4 ではといいますと、雲仙うんぜん女性じょせいかた107ひゃくななさい県内けんない10じゅうはいっております。

English Translation

Title: Japan’s Grandpas & Grandmas Personality: Shige Shōgo
Today is Respect for the Aged Day. There are many of you who are spending time together with Grandpa and Grandma, aren’t there? Um, also on Respect for the Aged Day, it seems that each district is holding many keiro-kai*1 events. Of course there will be many today who are participating in those. Well, it seems that there are also various events opening for parent and child. Um, now, as expected it’s on one’s mind, this “longevity”*2, isn’t it? Well, along with the Respect for the Aged week*3, the prefectures’ Elderly Citizens Welfare Division announced this year’s state of affairs of long-lived people; the oldest person in Nagasaki Prefecture is in Isahaya City at 109-years-old. It’s a woman. And for men, it seems that Nagasaki’s 109-year-old, similarly a 109-year-old, is 1st place. Well then, speaking about Shimabara Peninsula*4, in Unzen City, there’s a 107-year-old woman who comes in at 10th place for the prefecture.

Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary

1. Literally “a meeting to show respect for the aged”. i.e. recreational meeting for the elderly.

2. 「長寿ちょうじゅ」 is usually not used when talking about people. For example, 「やまさんは「長寿ちょうじゅだ」 sounds unnatural. The natural usage is something more like 「長寿ちょうじゅいわう」 “to celebrate one’s longevity” or 「長寿ちょうじゅの秘訣」 “secret of longevity”.

3. When Japanese people make a campaign, they occasionally name the period something such as 「おそう週間しゅうかん」 “a week when we need to pay attention to cleaning,” or 「交通安全月間こうつうあんぜんげっかん」 “a month when we need to pay attention to traffic safety.”

4. They are broadcasting this program in Shimabara Peninsula.

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