Program:海外のニュース Personality: 村上隆二
Japanese Script
そしてもうひとつ、こちらはアメリカなんですけども、なんと間違ってタダの航空券を出してしまいました、無料券です。アメリカのワシントンから中西部のミネアポリスまでが無料、長距離のハワイまでも10ドル、およそ千円で行けるという。このアメリカ・ユナイテッド航空が12日、インターネットを通じた予約販売で、一時的に多くの国内線の航空券を税別で無料、または10ドルといった超格安で売り出すという珍事があったそうです。ユナイテッドは、この日、ツイッターを使って、えー、手違いが原因だったとして、予約の際に表示された価格で航空券を提供すると説明しました。競争相手の格安航空会社も顔負けの目玉*1 価格、予約した顧客らからは宝くじに当たったようだと歓喜*2 する声も出てると。
English Translation
Title: Foreign News Personality: Murakami Ryuji
And now, one more. This one is in America. They made a mistake and gave out free tickets. They’re free tickets. From America’s Washington DC to the Midwest’s Minneapolis was free, and long-distance to Hawaii was also 10 dollars, which would go for approximately 1000 yen. On the 12th there was an unexpected occurrence; America’s United Airlines was selling reservations via the internet, and temporarily many domestic routes’ tickets were free, tax not included, or some were put up for sale for as cheap as 10 dollars. United explained this mistake using twitter, and, um, said that the cause was human error and that they would provide tickets with the price indicated at the time of reservation. Because of the surprising price*1 which made rival low-cost-carriers lose face, some of those customers who made reservations commented things like, “we are as happy*2 as if we won the lottery”.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
1. The Japanese idiom 「目玉の飛び出るほど」 literally means “eyes pop out”, and indicates extreme surprise. Thus, 「目玉価格」 indicates “surprising price”.
2. A formal word which is seldom used in everyday life.