Program: 都道府県お肌ランキング Personality: 村上隆二
Japanese Script
で、長崎はどの辺かといいますと*2、ちょうど真ん中ぐらいですね、23位。ちなみに九州*3 で最も高いんです。あ、ごめんなさい。宮崎がその上、22位でした、ごめんなさい。えー、22位が宮崎県、23位が長崎県。そして熊本県が28位、福岡県が32位、鹿児島県が33位、佐賀県が36位、大分県が42位という結果でした。温泉県で42位ってのはちょっと意外でしたね、大分ね*4。島根県は角層の細胞が整っている*5、肌が潤っている、キメが整っているの三つの部門で3位以内に入賞。美肌偏差値*6 が71,5と、最も高かったんだそうです。
English Translation
Title: Prefecture*1 Skin Ranking Personality: Murakami Ryuji
Now, when it comes to where Nagasaki is in the ranking*2, it’s just about in the middle, in 23rd place. By the way, it’s the highest in Kyushu*3. Ah, I’m sorry! Miyasaki was above this, it was 22nd place. Sorry. Um, 22nd place was Miyasaki Prefecture, and 23rd place was Nagasaki Prefecture. And now the results were; Kumamoto Prefecture 28th place; Fukuoka Prefecture 32nd place; Kagoshima Prefecture 33rd place; Saga Prefecture 36th place; And Oita Prefecture 42nd place. For Oita*4, a prefecture with hot springs, 42nd place was a little surprising. For three categories - the horny layer of cells*5 is in place, the skin is moist, and the skin texture is in place - Shimane Prefecture won within the top three places. The beautiful skin deviation value*6 was 71.5, and that was the highest.
Notes: Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Literally To, dō, fu, ken; the four types of prefectures in Japan.
2. They are broadcasting this program in Nagasaki prefecture.
3. Kyushu Island consists of Nagasaki and the other aforementioned prefectures.
3. Oita prefecture is well-known for having good hot springs.
4. I.e., the outermost layer of skin cells
5. I.e. a method patented by POLA Chemical Industries for visually estimating the value of beautiful skin.